• Citing Wikipedia's Capture By The Left, Site's Co-Founder Launching Free-Speech-Friendly Competitor

    February 28, 2021
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    Image by Larry Sanger

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    A co-founder of Wikipedia is launching a competing website as a free-speech-friendly alternative to what he views as the increasingly monolithic left-wing bias of his former organization.

    Last May, Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger wrote an op-ed on his personal website titled "Wikipedia is Badly Biased" claiming that Wikipedia's neutrality policy — known as  "NPOV," or neutral point of view — "is dead."

    Now, when schoolchildren visit the Wikipedia website to look up answers to questions about the meaning of socialism, "they're going to find an explanation that completely ignores any conservative, libertarian, or critical treatment of the subject," Sanger told "Just the News AM" television program. "And that's really problematic. That's not education. That's propaganda..." 

    To read more visit Just The News.

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    now is new

    Oh so Sanger is going to set up an alternative to Wikipedia YEH . Is this the same old playbook Alternative media
    controlled opposition crap all over again. Just like Covid probably possibly likely . Damned right it is


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