• Georgia House Passes Bill Stripping Delta Of A Multimillion Tax Break After It Slammed The State’s New Voting Restrictions

    April 1, 2021
    Georgia House Passes Bill Stripping Delta Of A Multimillion Tax Break After It Slammed The State’s New Voting Restrictions
    Delta Airlines Flight 1141 wreckage, 1988

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    Georgia Republicans voted to strip Delta Air Lines of a jet fuel tax break worth tens of millions of dollars Wednesday after the company u-turned to unequivocally condemn the state’s widely-criticized voting restrictions, joining a growing list of executives who have criticized the new restrictions amid a debate over boycotting Georgia's biggest companies.

    Republicans in Georgia’s House of Representatives voted to revoke Delta’s tax break, which is worth tens of millions of dollars a year.

    The move was in response to CEO Ed Bastian condemning Georgia’s controversial voting bill, who described it as “unacceptable” and not matching “Delta's values..."

    To read more visit Forbes.

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    Dan Jackson

    Bah-haw-haw...! Love it. Make the Woke go broke!

    William Matlock

    So tired of these giant corporations trying to tell us how we should act and what we should do all the while taking out tax dollars!

    edward mulrenan

    Ironically you cannot fly with Delta or take cough medicine out of a pharmacy here in Connecticut without showing a photo ID. . Hypocrites..


    Companies are formed to do business. Political opinions are not something that business should possess and certainly no employee should ever verbalize his or her opinion during working hours. A business should do their best to service their customers and offend no one! I do not wish to do associate with any business that does not consider profits their only interest.
    Any employee of mine in the past who verbalized an opinion during work hours was chastised and the second time was fired!
    Delta has offended me and I will not fly on their airline! What does Delta achieve by offending millions of customers?

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