October 23, 2021

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    After Initially Accepting 30 Second TV Ad, Comcast Attorneys Kill it at Last Minute

    In 2019, Pfizer Spent $2.4 Billion in Advertising

    “I’ve waited 7 months for Pfizer or the FDA to acknowledge what happened to my daughter and they haven’t.  They tried to ignore her injuries.  With these ads, she will finally have the chance to be in the room with them, to be seen by them, and for her voice to be heard.”

    WASHINGTON, DC, OCTOBER 23. 2021 – A new television ad that spotlights Pfizer vaccine-related injuries suffered by 13-year-old Maddie de Garay was killed Friday late afternoon by Comcast attorneys after initially accepting the ad on Thursday.  The ad was slated to run multiple times before and during the FDA’s VRBPAC Meeting on Pfizer Data on its COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5-11. 

    Despite almost no publicity, the public can submit public comments to the FDA for its VRBPAC meeting on Pfizer Data taking place 10/26 for Children ages 5-11. A link to submit a public comment can be found here.

    The script of the ad reads:

    This is Maddie - she's 13 and wants to be a pediatric nurse.

    When the COVID vaccine became available she volunteered to test it. She said she wanted to help other kids.


    This is her now.


    There are thousands of others like her. They are ignored by the FDA, by the media. She believed it when they said it was safe.

    She stepped up to help America. Who's going to step up for Maddie?

    “She wanted to help others, to help the world get back to normal,” said Stephanie.  “She now has lost the ability to walk and relies on an NG tube for all of her nutrition.”

    The new physicians treating Maddie asked her about her “anxiety” that was put in her charts in March of 2021, two months after her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.  Maddie looked them straight in the eye and said, “I did not have anxiety before and do not have anxiety now other than from the doctors who have not believed me.”

    “She received her vaccine on January 20 and came into our room in the middle of the night, she said she didn’t feel right and couldn’t sleep.  She has been waiting 8 months to be acknowledged by Pfizer, the FDA, and CDC and has not even received acknowledgment from any of them, not an email, a phone call, or a text.  Nothing.  At least with this ad, we know that Maddie will be in the room with the decision-makers and if that can help innocent children in the future not become victims injured by the Pfizer covid vaccine then that is a win in our minds.”

    “I’ve waited 7 months for Pfizer or the FDA to acknowledge what happened to my daughter and they haven’t.  They tried to ignore her injuries.  With these ads, she will finally have the chance to be in the room with them, to be seen by them, and for her voice to be heard.”

    Despite almost no publicity, the public can submit public comments to the FDA for its VRBPAC meeting on Pfizer Data taking place 10/26 for Children ages 5-11. A link to submit a public comment can be found here.


    The video is just one in a series named “The Unacknowledged – the Victims of the Vaccine.” And is a component of a national education effort organized by the not-for-profit organization, the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.

    According to the FDA and CDC, the government’s only way to record injuries and deaths attributed to vaccines is the website called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or, VAERS by self-reporting or by a healthcare professional reporting.  According to VAERS, which is oversee by the FDA and CDC, there have been:

    • 13,627 Post-COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 22,501 Total VAERS Reported Deaths,

    • 55,821 Post-COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/133,592 Total VAERS Reported Hospitalizations,

    • 623,341 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

    Maddie de Garay volunteered for the Pfizer trial for 12–15-year-olds and received her first dose on 12/30/20 and her second dose on 1/20/21.  At free the approval for the Pfizer vaccine for 12–15-year-olds in May, she was unblinded and confirmed that she got the vaccine.

    Maddie’s symptoms occurred almost immediately after the second dose in the Pfizer trial.  For example, according to medical records and her mother’s documentation, within 12 hours Maddie experienced:

    • Fever 101-102

    • Electric shocks up and down spine to neck

    • Fingers/hands turned white, were swollen and were ice cold when you touched them

    • Tachycardia (she said her heart felt like it was being ripped out through her neck)

    • Severe abdominal pain

    • All over body muscle/nerve pain and spasms - you couldn’t touch her anywhere and she said it even hurt to lay down

    • She walked hunched over and with her toes up

    • Severe headache

    • Nausea

    • Blood in her urine

    • CRP was 2.90

    She continued to decline over the following 3 months and developed these symptoms:

    • Unable to walk

    • Lost feeling below her waist

    • Tremors

    • Convulsions/Passed out

    • Nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and eventually unable to swallow any liquids or solids    (Ng tube placed which she still has)

    • Gastroparesis, stool blockage that she was hospitalized for a clean out

    • Urinary retention requiring a catheter that is still a problem today

    • Brain fog, mixing up words, memory loss

    • Muscle weakness throughout body to the point she could not even bathe herself

    • Loss of neck control and muscle spasms

    • Rash all over her arm

    • White tongue

    • Throat pain

    • Bone pain in arm where she got injection

    • Feet peeling

    • Skin peeling on head

    • Reflux, feeds even come up through her Ng tube

    • Weight gain (only getting feeds so not overeating)

    • Heavy periods with clumps of blood

    • Inability to sweat or control her body temperature

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    Maddie's parents are at fault. They are her guardians. Even a cursory review of factual vaxxine adverse events will prove sinister. The KoVaids Poison jab is NOT a vaxxine. One more horror reality in this case will be the government, who sleeps with pharma and mainstream media, will narcissistically torture this family with gaslighting, crazymaking, kangaroo courts and overall MK Ultra mind kontrol. Parents have been enduring this for centuries with the Black Mass Ritualists who run these Evil Kabals.


    Her parents should have never allowed their child to be a lab rat. The sad thing is so many parents and children have been manipulated into believing the administration, CDC and the media's high praise of this killer jab. In the coming months watch the death toll go out of sight.


    We all think we are doing the best we can , but in reality it is not. Please do not blame the parents, there are so many parents who do

    things because they think it is the best they can do. Lets be here for each other.

    Jeff Smathers

    We have and (had) medical standards for testing .... Politicians and governments have usurped those powers that have protected us for expedient reasons that benefit the drug companies.and investors. This is a flu virus ... not a plague. we have given our personal rights up to protect ourselves and our families for an ideology of globalist control. I'm sorry for this young woman and her family. But, the worst is not over....

    Bob Dobbs

    Pfizer: It would be a shame to have to pull our advertisements from your nightly news show. That would be like every other ad. Hard to replace. So we prefer the news say this instead...

    John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD

    Sorry. White, stupid parents and their stupid kids deserve the injuries. Where were they when the truth came about about MMR and Black boys? Where were they when the laws were passed to end liability for vaccine makers? White arrogance is the other side of the White Privilege coin. Remember Britney Spears (trust W on the invasion of Iraq)? They always trust government - which usually worked to their benefit. Now crying for help? Guess what, I did not jump off a cliff and break my neck, I do not need someone to give me a wheelchair.


    Next they will want to vaxassinate babies in the womb. Unless of course you are planning to abort. Then they will say it would be wasting a drug on a fetis unless they can still make $ on it.


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