• BREAKING REPORT: Facebook Is Allowing Taliban To Threaten American Afghan Allies On Platform

    October 23, 2021
    BREAKING REPORT: Facebook Is Allowing Taliban To Threaten American Afghan Allies On Platform
    Image by Takver

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    Due to security concerns, these interviews have been scrubbed of any personal identifying information. You will not hear the voice of the interviewee, but only the interpreter.

    CDMedia interviewed Afghan intelligence officers in-country who described Facebook as 'out of control' in Afghanistan. The social media platform is being used to threaten American Afghan allies with assassination.

    "I was threatened on Facebook Messenger by the Taliban. The Taliban is using Facebook to threaten American Allies.

    "It is chaos on Facebook," said our Afghan interviewee.

    This panel interview is part of a series on Biden betrayal in Afghanistan – Afghanistan DIY

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    Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    So Facebook is okay with terrorists who murder gays, stone women who have been raped, force young boys to be sex slaves to older men and on and on. Yeap, my kind of FB friend.


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