• FB Down Another 5% -- Let's Call It MetaSpace From Now On

    February 7, 2022
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    FB Down Another 5% -- Let's Call It MetaSpace From Now On

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    We have written often how amazing it is to watch big-tech Silicon Valley literally destroy its customer base over the last few years. Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc have all gone full communist censorship and literally forced half the country off of their platforms, never to return.

    Now the MySpace chickens are coming home to roost.

    Last Friday, Facebook (Now called Meta) fessed up to the inevitable and reported its user base in the United States was down 1M in the fourth quarter. Most of the company's advertising revenue comes from North America.

    The stock dropped approximately 23% after the Friday close.

    What the other half of the American population needs to understand is that these platforms, while originally designed to be helpful in life, and to connect to others, are now nothing more than surveillance and censorship, working with the Chinese Communist Party killers to destroy our republic.

    Although revenue was reported still strong for Meta for the 4th quarter , what Wall Street scrutinizes closest is growth, and the company formerly known as Facebook (FB) has now jumped the MySpace shark.

    Facebook has been accused of harvesting facial data for facial recognition, promoting pedophilia and human trafficking, and medical tyranny.

    A movement is now growing where users are deleting their profiles and moving to a myriad of other viable platforms.

    Today FB was down another 5%.

    Let's call it Metaspace from now on.

    We simply need your help to continue bringing the truth...shameless plug for desperately needed donations at this link...


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