• Pfizer Funded The Pediatric Covid Vaccine Trial That Led To The 2022 CDC Pediatric Covid Vaccine Recommendations – Yes, Really!

    September 10, 2022
    Image by U.S. Secretary of Defense

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    On May 17, 2022, the FDA approved the covid vaccine for ages 5 and older.  Soon after, on June 17, 2022, the FDA approved the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccines for ages 6 months and older.  As of September 2, 2022, the CDC Website has the following recommendations1:

    Ages 6 months through 4 years should get all Covid-19 primary series doses,

    Ages 5 years and older should get all primary series doses, and updated Covid-19 boosters if


    The CDC lists only 1 trial for the safety and efficacy of the covid vaccine for patients aged 5-11.  The trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on November 9, 2021, is entitled “Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid Vaccine in Children 5-11 Years of Age.”2  The paper describes a 3 phase trial.  Phase 1 determined that the ideal dose to use for children ages 5-11 was 10 mcg of the BNT162b2 vaccine given 21 days apart.  Phases 2 and 3 involved injecting 2 doses of the vaccine and described having a 95-100% efficacy for a period of time spanning 7 days to 2 months after second injection.  The trial only included healthy children.  This is curious as the children with serious health problems and/or immunocompromise are the ones who likely will derive the most mortality benefit, if any, from the vaccine.

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    Vaccine efficacy was described by tested levels of antibodies after 2 injections, not by clinical demonstration of ability to prevent hospitalization or death.  The premise of the justification is that if the vaccine elicits an antibody response it will protect against covid and therefore prevent hospitalization and death.  It has been over 3 months since the FDA announcement and the CDC has had a chance to bolster its justification with actual post vaccination covid clinical outcome data but not done so.  No additional studies were published and no further evidence has been offered by the CDC.  Even under Senate testimony over the summer, Dr Anthony Fauci told Dr Rand Paul, US Senator for Kentucky, that there is no vaccine research and no publications that show clinical proof of outcome to justify injections in children.  Despite this, Dr Fauci, the CDC, federal/state/local governments, and most major medical organizations advocate child vaccination against covid arguing that the science supports the vaccine in this age group.  

    Of the authors listed on the sole CDC article for justifying the pediatric covid vaccine, 23 are employed by Pfizer, 1 is employed by Moderna, 3 are employed by BioNTech, 11 own stock in Pfizer, and 6 are medical professionals who received Pfizer grant money to conduct the trial and publish the results.

    Pfizer spent over $2 Billion on digital advertising in 2021, which is over 25% of all drug company digital advertising.  Pfizer is also one of the 4 biggest corporate donors to the American Medical Association (AMA).  The AMA is supposed to be a ‘nonpartisan’ entity that advocates for patients through publicizing of nonbiased research, evidence-based practices, and balanced debate amongst experts in relevant medical fields.   It has coincidentally been a big supporter of covid vaccinations and is leading the charge to censor physicians for vaccine misinformation.  When he left the White House, President Eisenhower warned against the military industrial complex and how it could influence government policy.  Covid is proving that Eisenhower’s warning should also extend to the massive US pharmaceutical complex.  

    John Hughes, MD

    Emergency Physician

    USMA Class of 1996

    3rd Generation West Pointer

    4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan




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    It's like a fox and a weasel got together to design chicken coops...


    The reason why Phake Pharma is pushing so hard is in the hopes of climbing aboard a vaccine schedule for children, thereby increasing their profits as the actual goal. Parents of youngsters and babies must not allow this travesty into their lives. Save your kids and don't allow the predators any entry whatsoever. THEY and Democrats are the enemy.


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