November 9, 2023
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    An analysis of the COVID-19 “vaccine” associated death in he Southern Hemisphere by Denis Rancourt et al reveals some disturbing statistics. CLICK HERE to view the report. Here are a few quotes:

    “In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.”

    “In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.”

    “Likewise, it is unlikely that the transitions to regimes of high ACM, coincident with the rollout and sustained administration of COVID-19 vaccines, in all 17 Southern- Hemisphere and equatorial-latitude countries, could be due to any cause other than the vaccines.”


    The reported current and continuing damage caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” is becoming impossible to hide. Every possible tactic has been employed including the destruction of comparative placebo safety data in clinical trials, withholding or delaying reported deaths in the original “vaccine” clinical trials, not reporting vax vs unvax COVID-19 cases in hospitals, not doing prospective trials on myocarditis, hiding the presence of toxic contaminants (DNA and endotoxins) in the shots and fiddling with all-cause mortality statistics by adjusting the formulas to minimise the number of non-COVID and unexplained jump in deaths following the “vaccine” rollouts.

    Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA therapeutics, continues to emphasise the importance of the discovery of toxic contaminants in the shots. CLICK HERE to view his Substack of 31 Oct.

    He reports (and we all now know) that the manufacturer of the Pfizer “vaccine” failed to disclose to drug regulators the presence of the SV-40 promoter sequence in the plasmid DNA used to make the “vaccines” which have been discovered to be contaminating the final product. Dr. Malone says:

    “This lack of transparency raises serious questions about how these fragments and specific DNA sequences escaped regulatory consideration, and why the presence and risks of significant amounts of SV40- and bacterial-derived small DNA fragments were not discussed by the manufacturers in documents submitted to regulators. The study’s findings have been replicated by other scientists prompting several international medical organizations to call for the immediate recall of all COVID shots.”

    “FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Health Canada assert that there are no risks associated with this DNA fragment adulteration, willfully overlooking the decades-long rich body of peer reviewed literature documenting that both short RNA fragments and DNA fragments (oligonucleotides) can be used to regulate gene expression, and DNA fragments can insert and recombine with genomic DNA in cells, embryos, and tissues. In a wide range of experimental models, insertion and recombination of foreign DNA is associated with both cancer and birth defects.”

    So…..who would you trust? The drug regulators who receive funding directly from Big Pharma to pay their salaries and who often move through a revolving door from their drug regulatory jobs to lucrative Big Pharma jobs - or independent and credible scientists and clinicians like Dr. Malone?


    Follow the money……..here is another example.

    See below a paper published by Dr. Peter Doshi, Senior Editor of the British Medical Journal entitled: “the FDA and Moderna’s cosy relationship: how lax rules enable a revolving door culture” 1 Nov. 2023. 

    Revolving Drug Regulatory Door

    554KB ∙ PDF file


    So where do proponents of our disastrous COVID policies and drug regulation pop up after leaving the sinking ship? WHO, GAVI, prestigious board positions, academic appointments, consultancies to Big Pharma?

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    Phillip Altman

    Australian Pharmacologist - Clinical Trial and Drug Regulatory Affairs senior industry pharmaceutical consultant in drug research and regulatory approval with more than 40 years experience. BPharm(Hons), MSc, PhD. @PHILLIPALTMAN
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