March 22, 2024
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    A plea by Ex-Captain Graham Hood - Parliament House, Canberra

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    Ex-Captain Graham Hood has testified before Senator Malcolm Roberts at Parliament House, Canberra on 21 March 2024 regarding the damage done by the government’s COVID policies.

    CLICK HERE to listen (19 min) to his commonsense plea supporting a Royal Commission into COVID.

    After all the unnecessary deaths, Covid “vaccine” injuries, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, the collapse of human rights and abuse of government power…….why can’t we have a Royal Commission? The cover up must end. We must know the truth. The Prime Minister previously supported a Royal Commission before the Federal election but now he is resisting. We now know his word is not his bond.

    I was appalled recently at the First Covid Debate on 14th March at NSW Parliament House Sydney when I heard a comment from an individual in the audience disparage the character of Graham Hood and his media partner Johnny Larter (Club Grubberry). Maybe that individual should spend 19 minutes and listen to somebody who really cares about Australians and Australia - listen to a true patriot who has given so much. These days, few who are in a position to really make a difference, like Senator Malcolm Roberts, are prepared to stand and be counted. It is heartbreaking.

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    Phillip Altman

    Australian Pharmacologist - Clinical Trial and Drug Regulatory Affairs senior industry pharmaceutical consultant in drug research and regulatory approval with more than 40 years experience. BPharm(Hons), MSc, PhD. @PHILLIPALTMAN
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