• The Fed Is Going To Send Money Directly To Americans In Next Crisis, With An Eye On 'Racial Inequality'...What Could Go Wrong With Massive Wealth Redistribution?

    August 3, 2020
    The Fed Is Going To Send Money Directly To Americans In Next Crisis, With An Eye On 'Racial Inequality'...What Could Go Wrong With Massive Wealth Redistribution?
    "Vive Le Marxisme-Leninisme!"
    Image by Laurent GUEDON

    Over the past decade, the one common theme despite the political upheaval and growing social and geopolitical instability, was that the market would keep marching higher and the Fed would continue injecting liquidity into the system. The second common theme is that despite sparking unprecedented asset price inflation, price as measured across the broader economy (at least using the flawed CPI metric) would remain subdued (as a reminder, the Fed is desperate to ignite broad inflation as that is the only way the countless trillions of excess debt can be eliminated and yet it has so far failed to do so).

    The Fed's failure to reach its inflation target has sparked broad criticism from the economic establishment, even though as we showed in Junedeflation is now a direct function of the Fed's unconventional monetary policies as the lower yields slide, the lower the propensity to spend. In other words, the harder the Fed fights to stimulate inflation, the more deflation and more saving it spurs as a result (incidentally this is not the first time this "discovery" was made, in December we wrote "One Bank Makes A Stunning Discovery - The Fed's Rate Cuts Are Now Deflationary").

    In short, ever since the Fed launched QE and NIRP, it has been making the situation it has been trying to "fix" even worse, all the while blowing a massive asset price bubble...

    To read more visit Zero Hedge.


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