• Every Economic Data Point Released This Week Shows Biden Slide Into The Abyss From Trump Roaring Economy

    February 12, 2021
    Every Economic Data Point Released This Week Shows Biden Slide Into The Abyss From Trump Roaring Economy

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    Data released this week shows the American economy slowing into the Biden abyss of stagnation and malaise. Think Jimmy Carter on steroids. After four years of a roaring Trump economic miracle (Obama, he waved the magic wand), just the threat of re-regulation, lockdowns, obscene spending, attacks on the energy sector, and overall Marxist economy policy has stopped businesses in their tracks from hiring and deploying capital.

    The question is, how long will Americans, now used to the prospect of a bright future, put up with this tyrannical nonsense?

    The only bright spot was inflation, which was in-line; however, with Yellen stepping on the banana republic printing gas, Katy bar the door.

    With financial markets at all time highs...investors need to be wary with their capital deployment.

    Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Feb) PREL printed at 76.2 vs 80.8 consensus estimate.

    NFIB Business Optimism Index (Jan) printed at 95 vs 98.7 estimate.

    JOLTS Job Openings (Dec) printed at 6.646M vs 6.5M estimate.

    Wholesale Inventories (Dec) printed at 0.3 vs 0.1 estimate.

    Consumer Price Index (YoY) (Jan) printed at 1.4% vs 1.5% estimate.

    Consumer Price Index (MoM) (Jan) printed at the estimate of 0.3%.

    Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan 29) printed at 4.545M vs 4.49M estimate.

    Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 5) printed at 793k vs 757k estimate.

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    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    Mike Ham

    Good. I want to see bread and soup lines, out of control street crime, and suicides by the time the mid-terms get here in 2022. America has to hit rock bottom before it can throw off what's happening to it now.

    John Bittel

    What's happening now is what you get with voter fraud and a stolen election. Once a great country.


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