• Consumer Confidence, Manufacturing Crash Again, But You Knew That Was Coming, Didn't You

    June 28, 2022
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    Image by MC

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    The OBiden planned implosion of the American economy continues. Consumer Confidence and Manufacturing continue to collapse.

    It's no longer possible to call this 'Putin's fault' or anyone else's fault except the fascists in control of our Federal government.

    Following the crash (to record lows) of UMich Sentiment, analysts expected The Conference Board's consumer confidence index to tumble in June. They were right but it was a considerably bigger miss with the headline falling to 98.7 from 103.2 (revised lower) and well below the 100.0 expected. This was largely driven by a collapse in 'expectations' from 73.7 to 66.4 (present situation confidence fell from 147.4 to 147.1), reported Zero Hedge.

    Goods Trade Balance (May) PREL printed at -$104.3B vs -$107.7B consensus estimate.

    Wholesale Inventories (May) PREL printed at 2% vs 2.2% estimate.

    Redbook Index (YoY) (Jun 24) printed at 11.7%.

    Housing Price Index (MoM) (Apr) printed at 1.6% vs 1.5% estimate.

    S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices (YoY) (Apr) printed at 21.2% vs 21% estimate.

    Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (Jun) printed at -19 vs -11 estimate.

    Consumer Confidence (Jun) printed at 98.7 vs 100.0 estimate.

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    I had to see it to believe it but on the World Economic Forum's website, there is link, under covid-19, which outlines their plans for World domination. This, clearly, has been years in the making but really wanted to get CD Media's take on this. I think it'd make for one hell of a story. https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1G0X000006O6EHUA0


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