• Iranian Resistance To Hold Virtual Annual Event As Chinese Coronavirus Ravages Nation Due To Mullah's Corruption

    July 13, 2020
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    The People's Mujahadeen of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main Iranian resistance organization opposing the mullah's rule, will hold a global, virtual, live event this Friday, July 17th on Zoom, to highlight the plight of the nation's population under the ravages of the Chinese coronavirus, enabled by the corrupt regime.

    The virtual Free Iran Global Summit will take the place of the large annual in-person gatherings the PMOI/MEK historically holds due to the pandemic.

    "The 2020 summit is much more significant than its predecessors because over the past 12 months, seismic shifts have occurred in and around Iran," said Shahin Gobadi, spokesman for the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK), which stages the event. The shifts are multifold, he said.

    "COVID-19 has ravaged the country, claiming over 70,000 lives, in large measure due to the mullahs' initial cover-up about the spread of the virus and their incompetence and mismanagement," Gobadi told Just the News. "The economic collapse has taken new proportions. Commodity prices are skyrocketing, the value of the national currency is in free fall."

    A main activity of the event will be to highlight the 'resistance units' the organization directs in-country. President-Elect of the National Council of Resistance in Iran, Maryam Rajavi, has previously declared there are over 1,000 resistance units operating inside the country.

    Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Governor Tom Ridge, and Congressman Patrick Kennedy will be some of the American dignitaries speaking at the event.

    "Considering that the regime in Tehran considers the MEK as an existential threat, it would naturally go out of its way to disrupt its activities," Gobadi said. Suspects in a 2018 bomb plot against the summit currently await trial in France, he said. "Obviously, one cannot rule out the possibility of the regime attempt to resort to a cyberattack."

    The virtual event will be held in 30,000 locations and 102 countries.


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