• Fort Worth Illegals Go After Teacher Who Told The Truth About Schools...'Us Illegals Here To Stay!'

    June 5, 2019
    Fort Worth Illegals Go After Teacher Who Told The Truth About Illegals In Schools
    Arlington Heights High School, Fort Worth TX

    'Progressive' illegal aliens went after a Fort Worth teacher who had the nerve to tweet to President Trump that her district was full of kids who had no right to be in America, along with drug dealers to boot.

    The 'woke' students took to social media to slime the teacher with hate and veiled threats of violence. Below is a sampling.



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    fart worthless isd board & illegal alien criminals: BIOOYMFA, commie d-suckers

    fed up

    Illegals are arrogant while they enjoy special status above the law


    My guess is the great majority of the replies especially threatening ones, are from the drug dealers, not the students. The drug dealers could hardly post threats as themselves now could they?

    More fed up

    The way to solve this is to end forced redistribution of wealth. They want an education, they pay for their education. I am not forced to pay for their education. Same with medical and housing and food and child care and all the rest.


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