• Omar: Perfect Mascot For Minneapolis' Ugly "No Jews Allowed" Past

    July 19, 2019
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    Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has introduced a resolution that would seek to codify an American boycott of Israel, otherwise known as the Boycott, Divest, Sanction movement, or BDS. Omar hasn't always been forthcoming about her BDS stance. As Joel Pollak points out, "Omar reportedly told voters during her 2018 congressional race that she did not support BDS, only to reverse her position once she won the election."

    As I'll show, it's fitting that a congresswoman from Minneapolis, Minnesota would author such blatantly prejudiced legislation.

    Lake Jewbegone: Minneapolis' Deep History Of Anti-Semitism

    As MPR reported as recently as 2017,  "...in 1946, prominent journalist and lecturer Carey McWilliams wrote, "One might even say, with a measure of justification, that Minneapolis is the capitol of anti-Semitism in the United States."

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    The article continues:

    Historians say Minneapolis had more anti-Semitic preachers than most cities, and its chapter of the fascist hate group, the Silver Shirts, was believed to be one of the nation's largest. All this hate was directed at a community of only 16,000 — about 3 percent of the city's population.

    That hate seeped into the 1938 gubernatorial race when Republican Harold Stassen...waged a campaign of anti-Semitic innuendo. Silver Shirts leaders also campaigned...warning the public: "If it can't be done with ballots now, there must be bullets later."

    And discrimination was rampant — Jews were routinely denied work, housing and community...Minneapolis was unique in that it also denied Jewish citizens membership in service clubs.

    MPR first covered the "history" of anti-Semitism in Minneapolis (as if it were consigned to the past) in a radio segment titled, "No Jews Allowed." You can listen to it here.

    Except...The Stain Never Went Away

    Some would argue that the era of anti-Semitism faded, and that Minneapolis has evolved into one of the model cities in the U.S. I lived there for nearly a decade as an adult, owned a home not far from the unofficial segregation line between black North Minneapolis and the rest of the city. Beginning in the early '90s, Lutheran NGOs oversaw the mass transfer of Somali refugees to Minneapolis, where they were given subsidized housing in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood near the University of Minneapolis campus. There are now more Somalis in Minnesota than anywhere in the world, save Somalia itself.

    It was on this raft of charity that young Ilhan Omar arrived. Now it is she who damns the country that took her in as systemically racist, she who bloviates about discrimination while in a few short years, she has risen to a seat of great power despite damning evidence against her of tax fraud and other scandals.

    This large influx of Muslims in Minneapolis has driven up crime rates. Just a small sampling of articles over the past ten years:

    Given the crime, and the Minneapolis Police Department and local media colluding to cover it up, it was high time for the leftists who introduced Somalis to Minnesota to come up with a nice face to put on the problem. Enter Justice Democrats.

    "Justice Democrats" Control Omar, But Re: Israel, It's Personal

    As CD Media reported yesterday, Omar, along with her "Squad," were recruited and trained by the group Justice Democrats. But her dislike of Jews is a trait that needs no coaching. She wears it on her sleeve, as evidenced by Tweets she has posted, several of which she deleted after public backlash.

    What's Islam Got To Do With It?

    Why do I showcase Muslim crime in light of Omar's conspicuous rise? Because that's the elephant in the room. The importation of tens of thousands of Somalis to a predominantly white, peaceful community has failed. (The Minneapolis experiment has all the markings of a test case, much like what befell Sweden, land of many Minnesotan forebears.) No matter how many feel-good articles the Minneapolis Star-Tribune pumps out about Somalis boating and bowling in Minnesota, the fact is that the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, a.k.a. "Little Mogadishu," has gained notoriety for non-assimilation, welfare fraud that costs the state $100 million per year, and crime.

    That's why Omar and former Minnesota congressman (and current leftist MN Attorney General) Keith Ellison are so loved by the left: they distract Minnesota and the rest of America from the problems endemic to the community they represent by screaming "racism!" and "Islamophobia!" Without their brazen antics, without their false claims of persecution and repeated (but unsubstantiated) claims of "multiple death threats" to fill media airspace, eventually we would be forced to discuss the problem of Muslim "refugees" in America.

    Omar is a beautiful woman. She is "othered" enough to deflect many criticisms with a few lines of passionate speech. But her blind spot is her hatred of the country that gave her succor as a nine year-old girl fleeing Mogadishu, the country that immediately gave her father a job as a taxi driver, and elected her a congresswoman.

    It's her blitheness when she refers to 9/11 as "some people did something, and [then, Muslims] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties." Watch as this representative of one of the nation's most prestigious legal bodies attempts to discuss the Declaration of Independence, and uses Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote, of all things, racial divisiveness.

    She's a great face for anti-Semitic Minneapolis, and she's a pretty distraction from the problem of Islamism. Apart from that, she's just another "Squad" puppet, and the latest scion of the anti-American estate.


    Court Anderson

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    For your information, the term Ms. is middle English for MISTRESS or unmarried whore. Notice her photo name plate

    Gringo Uno

    If Minnesota had managed to keep the jews out, there wouldn't be any muslims there today. Enjoy your multiculturalism, goys


    Wow. Loved the article. Like the comments too.


    She's a disgraceful anti-American and antisemite. I see nothing "beautiful" about this little jiminy cricket (jihadi cricket) with the big mouth and a headscarf. Ugly on the inside and the outside. She should go home if she doesn't like it here, which clearly she doesn't since she wants to turn it into the Islamist hellhole her family came here to avoid.

    jack shaw

    Omar is proof that reincarnation is real because we can see Hitler and his little brown shirted minions have returned.

    Chip Payne

    Does no one know anything about Islam? When Mohammad was defeated by the Christians during the Crusades, he ordered Muslims to scatter to the corners of the World and intermingle with the Westerners and become citizens of the European Countries so even if it takes 600 years the next time Islam moves to kill or convert ALL non-Muslims... They wouldn't have to fight them because "The Would BE THEM!" Think about it, this is History coming true right in front of our eyes and we just ignore the reality! Wake up America!

    Chip Payne

    Does no one know anything about Islam? When Mohammad was defeated by the Christians during the Crusades, he ordered Muslims to scatter to the corners of the World and intermingle with the Westerners and become citizens of the European Countries so even if it takes 600 years the next time Islam moves to kill or convert ALL non-Muslims... They wouldn't have to fight them because "The Would BE THEM!" Think about it, this is History coming true right in front of our eyes and we just ignore the reality! Wake up America!

    When I was in school in the 50's & 60's I studies World History, American History, Civics and Citizenship... When I told a student this, they laughed! What are they studying today in Junior & High School?

    […] CDMedia has reported, Minneapolis is not all Mary Tyler Moore tossing her hat in the air. Once the anti-Semitic capital of the U.S., it has made news lately for its large Somali population in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, aka […]

    […] CDMedia has reported, Minneapolis is not all Mary Tyler Moore tossing her hat in the air. Once the anti-Semitic capital of the U.S., it has made news lately for its large Somali population in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, aka […]


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