• Feeling The Heart-Bern: Sanders Campaign Is Effectively Over

    October 2, 2019
    Bernie Sanders. Screenshot: YouTube

    Bernie Sanders cancelled a campaign event today in order to have emergency surgery on a blocked artery. Shortly thereafter, the campaign announced that further events will also be canceled.

    This news effectively ends his campaign, as concerns about his age already hung heavily on his candidacy. Supporters have fondly claimed that he is "older and wiser," or that "his mind is sharper than someone half his age," but a serious health concern while on the campaign trail has always been disqualifying, even for much younger men.

    It was Joe Biden in 1988 who suffered an aneurysm, ending his first bid for the presidency. Speaking of which, this event puts age back on the table, which will effect Biden as well. Biden will be 77 next month, Sanders is 78 currently.

    Sanders has consistently been ranked second or third in national and state polls (see this compendium). While Biden has lost support, Elizabeth Warren has gained. Bernie has mostly flatlined.

    Expect to see the following two reactions from Democrats for the foreseeable future:

    His body may well recover, but his campaign will not. прощание Берни! (Translated from Russian: "farewell, Bernie!"


    Court Anderson

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    Steve in MO

    I don't think it ends his candidacy. I expect he will be out, perhaps a month or six weeks. If he had heart damage, I could be wrong, especially if he has heart failure. I don't know the particulars of his case, but I would be hesitant to cout him out at this point and would wait until we hear what he has to say.
    This could strengthen his candidacy if he seems to be doing well.
    Since they know what's wrong, treatment can turn things around, statins for cholesterol, daily aspirin and some cardiac rehab and he should be back in the running.

    Christina Pansy

    It ends his candidacy for sure.


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