• Homewrecking Liar? Threesomes With Staff? Blackface? Crackhead Son Does Intl Deals? Libs Don't Care

    October 23, 2019
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    Screenshot: YouTube

    The hypocrisy of the modern left is shocking. Their entire narrative of woke morality--rants about racism, white privilege, nepotism, and the #metoo movement--is exposed as so much hollow pablum the moment one of their own runs afoul of the rules.

    Oh Me Omar Oh My

    Let's begin with Rep. Ilhan Omar, recruited by Justice Democrats for her hijab, skin color, and good looks. At this point, she appears to have come to the U.S. illegally by marrying her brother, then divorcing and marrying another man, then cheating on him with "political consultant" Tim Mynett. She claimed publicly that she wasn't having an affair. She and Mynett simultaneously divorced their spouses. On Monday, Omar was spotted leaving Mynett's house.

    Put differently, an incestuous illegal alien strumpet paid hundreds of thousands to a white lover, wrecked his marriage, left her own husband, and lied about it. Dem reaction: YAASSSSS QUEEN!

    They Found Their Thrill On Katie Hill

    Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) is finally making a media splash days after her story of threesomes with her husband and a paid subordinate was broken by RedState. Hill was involved in a two-year affair with the staffer, but her husband didn't begin divorce proceedings until it came out that Hill was cheating with yet another staffer (her male finance director), unbeknownst to her husband. Laughably, Hill today denied the affair despite photos and text messages exposing the first affair, and confirmation of the story from her furious husband.

    Jack and Jill and Jill went up the hill, will Hill's career come tumbling down? Don't bet on it. The "D" after her name means she's the proud owner of a get-out-of-media-jail-free-card.

    Want proof? Here's the latest headline about the scandal:
    "California congresswoman Katie Hill denies rumor of affair" --East Bay Times, 10/23/19

    Rumor?! You can't make this stuff up. It's hackneyed to say, but imagine for a moment if Hill was a Republican.


    Washed In Black, Trudeau'd Everything

    In Canada, Justin Trudeau was reelected yesterday despite his penchant for blackface. The serial makeup artist and Harry Belafonte fan took the time to darken any exposed part of himself including his knees, and stuffed socks down his pant leg to achieve the ideal tumescent Caribbean dock worker look. An apparently fake article on Saturday accused him of pedophilia, playing off his abrupt departure from a teaching gig in Vancouver. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Trudeau's best friend, roommate, and fellow teacher was convicted for distribution of child pornography, and Trudeau groped a female reporter's breast in 2000, a fact he initially denied, then later confessed to.

    To wit: a racist, white, wealthy, male child of privilege who was elected on name alone is guilty of a #metoo moment, cheated on his wife, and whose best friend is a pedophile...was reelected by Canadian liberals. What a weird Day-O.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Canada. Screenshot: YouTube

    Dem Parent of the Year

    The Least Valuable Player on Team Donkey is Hunter Biden. It's tiresome at this point to recount his litany of sins, but here we are. They are Shakespearean in detail, global in scope, and ghetto in tenor. Crack pipes in crashed rental cars, divorcing the mother of his children to romance his dead brother's wife while the brother is barely cold in the ground, kicked out of an easy-street military backdoor program for cocaine, ten rehabs in as many years...so cuckoo, so sad, yet somehow, in blue state eyes, okay.

    The latest Hunter news? He has finally agreed to a DNA test a la Maury Povich to see if he is the father to Arkansas accuser Lunden Roberts' 14 month-old baby. If yes, it means he was cheating on Hallie Biden a mere seven months into their two-year affair.

    Hunter, you are the father! Screenshot: YouTube

    B-b-b-but Hunter isn't running for office, you say. True. Yet it is Joe who didn't intervene when Hunter divorced his wife, mother of his three children, to take up with his dead brother's widow. In fact, he wished Hunter and Hallie all the best. All this while seeking to fix Hunter's problems with the gift of unearned jobs and investments from Ukraine and China, purchased with influence peddling. Joe Biden's decision making is disqualifying at best, criminal at worst.

    His reward from Dems? Since October 18th, six national polls have all placed Biden atop the race for the Democratic nomination, by an average of 9 points. The CNN poll from today has him at +15, his largest lead since announcing his candidacy.

    Democrat politicians don't care about committing scandalous acts. Why should they when the press goes so far out of its way to protect them, and voters look the other way?


    Court Anderson

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