• Michelle Obama To Get In The 2020 Fight?

    November 26, 2019
    Ding-ding! Will the former First Lady answer the bell and lace 'em up in 2020? Michelle Obama. Screencap: YouTube

    Word on the street is that Michelle Obama may be considering a run for the Democratic nomination. Her party is shambolic, her husband's legacy all but erased, and darn it, the U.S. isn't quietly bombing the Middle East on a daily basis anymore. This is all bad news for desperate Dems and globalists. Moreover, the one-world project authored by the "party of Davos" is embrittled after suffering a series of losses.

    Patriots in all countries--those who believe in national sovereignty--are waking up, clearing their heads, and naming the problem. It isn't so easy to tar them as "racists" and "xenophobes" for their shared desire to protect the culture bequeathed to them by generations of ancestors. Leftist rhetoric has worn thin from overuse and misapplication. They are failing.

    Paging Obama...any Obama, please respond...

    The DNC is fresh out of ideas. Joe Biden is neck deep in scandal and the fog of senility. Bernie Sanders would turn 80 during his second year in office, and his heart is cause for concern. Michael Bloomberg will attempt to buy the nomination, but such avarice is easily assailed. Elizabeth Warren just doubled down in favor of reparations in a naked grab at the black voters she struggles to attract. She has a plan to pay for that! But like Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth."

    ...any Obama, come in Obama!

    Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama was recently voted the "most admired woman in the world," supplanting serial adopter Angelina Jolie. As Tucker Carlson pointed out last night on FOX, her new book release has been delayed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention. Curious!

    Tell Me Why We Should Hire You

    Here's the thing no one else will say: Michelle Obama isn't qualified to do the job. I'm not being a bully, or a racist, or anti-woman, I'm really not. The truth is, no one can make a solid case for her candidacy on the merits. It's all feels, and that doesn't cut it for what is inarguably one of (perhaps the most) important jobs in the world.

    Why, because we can't say anything negative about the "most admired woman"?

    So: what does she bring to the party? In short, Obama was a lawyer, a City Hall staffer, a university administrator, and she has managed non-profits.

    The lawyer part: she was an associate at Sidley Austin (where she met Barack) for three years. She worked in marketing and intellectual property law. Next, she toiled as an assistant to corrupt Chicago Mayor Richard Daley for two years, then managed a Soros-funded social justice non-profit, "Public Allies," for four years. In 1996, she she was the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago, i.e., pushing paper on projects like student groups, campus events, diversity and inclusion, applications, and career guidance. In 2002, she took on a role as director of community affairs for the University of Chicago Hospitals.

    Translation: she's a bureaucrat with a law degree.

    As First Lady, Obama's signature program was Let's Move!, an initiative to address childhood obesity and promote healthy eating habits.

    One appreciates that she focused on raising two bright and beautiful daughters under the klieg lights of international fame. They seem to have turned out okay, and that is a deep and serious credit to their mother. That said, she hasn't had a paying job in eleven years. The role of First Lady contains a wealth of subtle knowledge, a multitude of manners. But it is not a finishing school for the Oval Office.

    This will be the first in a series of articles addressing the potential candidacy of Michelle Obama. Tomorrow: Michelle Obama Vs. The Field.


    Court Anderson

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    This worthless American hater best not even think about it. I said woman. He best not think about it. Look at what that fool did to our kids and their lunches and what they ate in school. Kids starved. He always said he hates America. Obama ruined our country. We are fed up with the freaks that are running on the Democrat party. I do hope a civil war comes down. We need a true cleansing in this country. Democrats have ruined it.


    So they want another black man to get into the race?


    I know dazz right
    Imagine the poster child of the left, a black transexual communist as president. If michelle enters the race she’ll dominate the rest of the esuful idiotic candidates, they’ll fold out of fear and her attacks against President Trump, White Americans, and non White conservatives will be a cataclysmic event.


    Given the corruption exposed by the Ass Hat democraps in their bumbling attempt to stomp their Male appendages into beaver tails that leads directly to the Obama White ouse and his minions, who in their right mind would vote to put this group of criminals back in power? Their entire social agenda was a disaster for this country, as proven daily by President Trump. We need to keep his trend going for the next couple of generations to get America permanently back where it deserves.


    With no democrat candidates worshipping obama, or continuing his so called legacy, she will be the final mutt butting into oblivion and further erasing the democrat party.


    We all should realize that it will not be Big Mike leading this country but Hussein and his side kick Valerie Jarrett. They will finalize the "fundamental transformation" of America. God save us!!!


    LOL! Who is that guy in the pic with the boxing gloves!? Seriously, I know Mike Obama is a darling to the moonbats...but once he began discussing policy or anything else of substance, he'd be disassembled and sent back to Barky in a doggie bag! Imagine Moochelle on a debate stage with The Donald!? LOL!

    […] Posted on November 27, 2019 by bsteadman Michelle Obama To Get In The 2020 Fight? […]


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