• Woke West Point Curriculum Denounces ‘Toxic Masculinity’

    January 28, 2020
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    West Point cadets attended mandatory events — framed by the military academy as educational curriculum — on “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “gender norms,” Breitbart News has learned. The programming included discussion groups led by upper-class cadets, labeled “facilitators,” making references to “toxic masculinity,” leading one cadet to comment, “I’m being taught how not to be a man.”

    This was the military academy’s third “Honorably Living Day” hosted by West Point Superintendent Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams,” reported the Military Times, describing West Post’s characterization of “honorable living” as including “diversity, inclusion and acceptance of people from differing backgrounds, races and genders.”

    Williams described the event as relevant to the development of combat “readiness...”

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    To read more visit Breitbart.



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