• Sanctuary States Have Their Day In Court

    February 27, 2020
    Sanctuary States Have Their Day In Court

    Ironically nicknamed "sanctuary cities" and states had their day in court, and it wasn't a favorable outcome for the Democrats who protect fraudulently documented foreigners with poorly written legislation and a faux-outrage campaign. A lawsuit has moved closer to the Supreme Court that will ultimately decide on the absurdity of public officials obeying and ignoring laws based on their personal agreement with them.

    These practices began in New York when police were ordered not to enforce Federal immigration laws. The same state saw judges rule on them today, to devastating effect.

    From The Washington Examiner:

    The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan on Wednesday declared the administration could not be required to release funding for law enforcement grant money to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington — all of which do not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    The decision comes after a process started by the select “sanctuary” leaders themselves. They sued the U.S. government after the Department of Justice declared they would withhold the million dollars of grant money in 2017. Attorney General Barr is going on the attack now, too. Back on February 11th, he filed a series of counter claims and urged judges to strongly consider if polices were specially written to safeguard illegal aliens who continue to commit crimes after entering the U.S.

    Now we have a New York court upholding the Trump administration’s decision to reserve the huge transfers of federal funds to New York’s law enforcement as well as a half dozen other blue states.

    The 2nd U.S Circuit Court of Appeals now has more Trump appointees than Obama appointees (the latter left five positions vacant in what was surely intended as a congratulatory gift to Clinton). Trump was never supposed to win and throw the wrench in the gears causing cogs like Cuomo (who controls the nation’s largest police force) to stall their plans to ruin American cities.

    Also affected by the decision is Virginia. It begs the question how Gov. Northam plans on enforcing the radical new gun laws the recently blue Commonwealth is passing. While he injected a pathetic $250,000 in preparedness for civilian resistance to the anti-second amendment measures, he no doubt expected taxpayers to foot his tyrannical expansion via federal police grants.

    Wednesday’s decision also sets the stage for the fight ahead: are the actions of Mayors and Governors of “sanctuary cities/states” in fact illegal, despite their personal beliefs? And could they warrant future prosecution?

    The court finds that the Justice Department has the authority to “set conditions on states and localities it dispenses federal money to.” And they remind egocentric state officials everywhere that the Supreme Court has continued to maintain that “the federal government supersedes the state on immigration policies.”


    Taylor Day

    Taylor Day lives in New England where she enjoys being an outspoken anti-SJW, firearm enthusiast and writer. Her previous publications include The New York Times, U.S. Catholic and American Thinker with appearances on MSNBC and LocknLoad Radio.
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    Ellen Peba

    The country was this YUGE, uncontrolled School under barak. Grades K thru 12. No principals, no hall monitors, no teachers. Bad kids running amuck, undisciplined, while those of us raised with morals and values wandered around, looking for places to hide. What a filthy mess Pres Trump walked into--may God Bless and watch over him in his efforts to save the nation.


    Sanctuary States are Criminal States. Their AG's need to be Executed for crimes against the Taxpayers..The Politici9ans need to be executed for crimes against America. Democrats are evil and need to be Eradicated for the good of Mankind.


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