An American infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has died, the first to do so in the country. The name of the patient has not been released.
For more on the developing story, click here.
In the meantime, prepare for a media onslaught seeking to blame this Chinese virus on President Trump. Mainstream outlets have already demonstrated their bias by claiming that Trump called the virus a hoax, and not, as was clear, the coverage of the disease.
[…] What is it about potential pandemics like the coronavirus, or Ebola, or H1N1, or whatever was going to kill us all the year prior, that turns totally rational people into lunatics? My 72-year-old mother was going to take her first post-retirement trip soon but cancelled her flight and plans to see the Grand Canyon after the coronavirus became the hottest political issue of the year. I’m not calling my mother a lunatic but I do think she and millions of others are overreacting. I reserve the lunatic label at the moment for the floating heads she keeps on in the background that are warning her of her own imminent death via an illness that’s claimed only one life in the U.S. to date. […]