• San Antonio Council Bans Speech Linking Coronavirus To China, Blames Racism

    May 12, 2020
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    The San Antonio City Council has unanimously passed a resolution which classifies references to the geographic origins of the novel coronavirus as “hate speech” and “bigotry.” The resolution was heavily promoted by the left-wing “Anti-Defamation League” because what bigger issue does America face than acknowledging China's role in the devastating spread of COVID-19?

    No more calling it the “Chinese virus” or the “Kung Flu”. not even the "Wuhan Wheeze" or "Shanghai Sneeze" because according to the heroes on the San Antonio City Council, it is not only “Sinophobic” but “racist, islamaphobic and antisemitic.” 

    Senator Ted Cruz took to Twitter to voice his dissent on the newest resolution. 

    Protestors even stormed The Alamo claiming that the resolution infringed on first amendment rights to freedom of speech. A plane even flew over head with a banner that spelled out “Say Chinese Virus” and the URL redirects to infowars.com. 


    Mayor Ron Nirenberg responded to the protests at his Monday coronavirus press brief, reassuring his constituents that there is no actual penalty for violating the resolution, besides liberal shame. 

    “I think the resolution speaks for itself. It's a resolution, it doesn't create new law, it doesn't abridge anyone's rights.

    People are free to continue to exercise their first amendment rights and if they used it to speak in racist tones, you know the penalization is the shame of that."

    All this amounts to is worthless virtue signalling by government officials who are bought-and-paid-for by China, during a time where we’re all supposed to be taking the coronavirus super serious. I am less worried about the China virus than I am about the smooth-brained local politicians using the guise of helping to trample the fundamental rights of all Americans. 

    These leftists can redefine “hate speech” all they want but hate speech is free speech and has ultimate legal protection. Someone let glorified library card dealers know that viruses don't have feeling and hurting theirs isn't a crime.


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