• Dems Ready Proxy Vote On $3 Trillion “Hero” Bill

    May 13, 2020
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    “Then are our beggars bodies, and our monarchs and outstretched heroes the beggars' shadows. Shall we to th' court? For by my fay, I cannot reason.“

    William Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2

    Two months ago the shutdown of the American economy was just starting and the Senate negotiated a Chinavirus (COVID-19) relief package with the White House and conspicuously left the House of Representatives out of the conversation. Today We the People found out why the legislative body constitutionally charged with writing laws and spending the treasuries money was ignored by its bicameral partner and the Executive branch in writing this bill. The House Democrats have written a 1,800 page wish list of bail outs for cities, giveaways for left wing interest groups, targeted spending aimed at their political enemies and relief for the US Postal Service.

    On March 27, the House of Representatives passed a historic stimulus package known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security or “CARES” act, which contained an unprecedented $2.2 trillion in total financial relief for businesses, public institutions and individuals hit hard by the Chinavirus. The Democratic members of the House did not want to pass this legislation and they had effectively delayed the bill with needless negotiation for frivolous demands which halted important relief to hard hit Americans. On the morning of the vote, with the nations economic future hanging in the balance, the votes were still not there so House leadership from both parties forced a “voice vote” to pass the most expensive law in American history.

    In order to pass the $3T monstrosity Democrat party leaders are planning to pass a rule which will allow for proxy voting on legislation during the Chinavirus pandemic lock down. So Nancy Pelosi won’t even need to suffer the indignity of wrangling enough Democrats to say “yea” louder than her crazy “ney” caucus. With the new “proxy rule” a Congresswoman can social-distance from the softy of her district and simply “mail it in” to Capitol Hill. Proxy voting is NOT representative democracy and it makes a mockery of our forefathers who traveled hundreds of miles across dangerous territory to cast a vote on behalf of their constituencies.

    The “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act’’ or the ‘‘HEROES Act’’ is filled with Progressive dreams and SJW demands. The New York Times buries the following gem in paragraph 16 of their reporting on the wish list: “The bill would temporarily suspend a limit on the deduction of state and local taxes from federal income taxes, a move that would disproportionately benefit high-income taxpayers in high-tax areas, and which Democrats have pushed for since the limit was imposed by Mr. Trump’s signature 2017 tax overhaul.“

    There are many outrageous proposals in the HEROS ACT which will never be accepted by the Senate or the White House but the 116th Congress did not want to be left out of the discussion for the next stimulus bill so Pelosi and the Democrat leadership slapped together a massive package and intend to pass it this Friday. The bill will not be taken up by the Senate and President Trump has completely ignored the Speaker of the House for over 6 months - not easy to do in the USA’s system of government. As the country reopens and commerce starts flowing the Congress is going to have to address the liability problem that Chinavirus + trial lawyers pose for every business in America. At that point someone from the Senate will place a call to Steny Hoyer and negotiate a deal which will allow him to cast 218 proxy votes for the next stimulus package to invest in American infrastructure.


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