• Judge Pleads Guilty To Ballot Stuffing For Cash Bribes

    May 22, 2020

    Democrat Judge Pleads Guilty To Selling Ballots For A Few Thousand Dollars

    On Thursday, a former Democrat committeeman and judge in Pennsylvania pled guilty to his part in a conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil voting rights by ballot stuffing.

    Over the course of at least three years, the 73-year-old former election judge Domenick DeMuro confessed to accepting thousands in cash bribes by an unnamed political consultant to stand in a voting booth on three separate occasions and vote as many times as possible. His actions artificially inflated the number of votes cast for Democrat candidates running for the judicial positions and other federal, state, and local offices. 

    The Philadelphia Inquirer claims that the political consultant that transferred the cash to DeMuro was a former elected official and that the dirty money came from Democratic candidates themselves.  Because the bribes were made and agreed to over a cell phone, DeMuro is also pled guilty to charges stemming from violations of The Travel Act.

    His ballot stuffing, alone, increased the final vote tallies at his polling location by a staggering 22%. 

    U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain issued a statement in a video sent to various news outlets on Thursday in which he says, “Our election system relies on the honesty and the integrity of its election officials. If they are corrupt, the system is corrupt, which creates opportunities for election fraud and for the counting of fake votes."

    McSwain went on to explain the actions taken by the Democrats, “DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear. This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions.”

    Vote-from-Home initiatives have been taken up as the newest DNC priority, partly an overreaction to the coronavirus panic, but mostly because they already have a corrupt system in place to change the outcomes of elections in this nation. The recent revelations in Philadelphia only tell us that Democrats are who we thought they were; people who will steal elections with no shame.

    The district in which DeMuro was operating his voter fraud has a long history of more votes being cast on their ballot machines than the actual number of voters who sign the poll books. The 36th Division where DeMuro admittedly stuffed ballot boxes was previously reported by the Office of Philadelphia City Commissioners multiple times to the local District Attorney’s Office. 

    The city has a total of just over 1,700 voting districts and every election, multiple are caught red handed by when referred to law enforcement, it can take years to see justice served. 

    And while DeMuro, who pleaded guilty in March faces up to 15 years in federal prison, the proceedings remain sealed in an effort to keep the other conspiracy players anonymous. 


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    […] Judge Pleads Guilty To Ballot Stuffing For Cash Bribes […]


    ***the proceedings remain sealed in an effort to keep the other conspiracy players anonymous.

    Why are these criminals being protected?


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