• Joe Scarborough: #HeBrokeMe and Alabama

    May 28, 2020
    Joe Scarborough: #HeBrokeMe
    2012 shows a happier Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough who were involved in an adulterous love affair that later destroyed both of their marriages and lead them hand-in-hand down a twisted path to perdition.

    Sen. Mitt Romney (L-Utah) tweeted angrily at President Donald Trump on Wednesday for repeatedly highlighting a decades-old mystery about MSNBC's Joe Scarborough. The questions about Scarborough center on the strange 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, who worked in his Florida office when he served in Congress. Romney called Trump's tweets and comments about the odd demise of Morning Joe's Florida staffer "vile" and "baseless" while ignoring Scarborough's many vile and baseless lies about Trump.

    Scarborough is Romney's friend. Dr. Timothy J. Klausutis is unknown to Willard (or so he claims). Romney isn't bothered by Trump's "vile, baseless accusations" against his "friend" because Joe can take the heat (after all, it might be true that he murdered his staffer and it hasn't slowed the loudmouth down). But the young woman's widower, T.J. Klausutis, asked Twitter last week to remove the POTUS tweets, because "his heart is breaking" and Mitt Romney can't stand the pain.

    Enough already. Way back in the Summer of 2016 then candidate Donald J. Trump told the world that once the time was right he would tell the "real story" of Joe and Mika. He's been waiting three and a half years and all the while listening to two clowns and their barking dogs lie with unlimited abandon about everything related to Trump, America and the world.

    On May 12 the promised "calm" day arrived after 1,359 days of lies, false accusations, slander and hate Morning Joe leveled at the President of the United States of America, but Trump is a patient man who loves to take revenge on bad people who wrong him.

    “He’s once again tweeting conspiracy theories about Joe, falsely accusing him of murder, talking about a death of a young staffer in his office years ago, and calling him dangerous to walk the streets. That’s sick. Donald, you’re a sick person. You’re a sick person.” 

    Mika Brzezinski

    On May 20 Trump tweeted “Open Cold Case!” and Morning Mika jumped to her husbands defense to accuse the President of being "mad at Joe." Then she asked Twitter to delete the social media account of the President of the United States. Thankfully we don't depend on Mika to defend the first amendment protecting freedom of speech.

    Mika's insults and threats didn't have the desired impact on Trump's curiosity and his general call for a new investigation into the circumstances surrounding Lori Klausutis's untimely death. His doubling down on the story compelled Lori's widowed husband to ask Jack Dorsey for relief and remove the offending "conspiracy theory" Presidential tweets.

    The #FakeNews came to Morning Joe's defense and on Tuesday reporters asked if the President would honor T.J.'s request to stop the "barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, innuendo and conspiracy theories" around his wife's death and allow him to "move forward" with his life. After all, the "accident" occurred a mere 19 years ago and it takes time for a man to heal, but Trump was unmoved. "I'm sure ultimately they want to get to the bottom of it," Trump said while adding that the situation was "very suspicious."

    On Wednesday the POTUS fired a tweet at Psycho Joe that makes everyone wonder "what is happening!?" Someone needs to ask Joe Scarborough because, according to the President, the TV talking head "knows" the answer. It appears that Donald Trump doesn't care about Joe Scarborough at all, but is targeting something bigger.

    One thing everyone knows by this point is that Joe and Mika, the widowed husband, the entire #FakeNews corporate media and a #NeverTrump US senator are all demanding that the POTUS stop mentioning the very shady death of a congressional staffer that happened 20 years ago. Why? The answer is found in a Daily Kos story from 2011 titled "The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet" that details the obvious reasons to reexamine the Klausutis crime.

    1. The nature of the head trauma does not suggest an accidental death
    2. The fainting story does not add up
    3. The medical examiner had a troubled history

    But hidden in the story is a deeper clue* as to why Trump is bringing it all up now -  "Scarborough is a graduate of the University of Alabama and is pals with former Gov. Bob Riley and his son, Homewood attorney Rob Riley." Down South there is a so-called "Alabama Gang" of Republicans -- including Rob Riley, Bill Canary, Jeff Sessions, and Karl Rove - who take it upon themselves to run the State's politics. This collection of Republican operators are responsible for getting Doug Jones (D-AL) elected to the Senate in place of GOP standard bearer Judge Roy Moore in the 2017 special election. They are attempting to get Jeff Sessions (age 73) re-elected as the Alabama Senator in 2020 and President Trump is determined to keep that from happening. That means Joe Scarborough and Mika will have to suffer for their past sins while America learns the truth about Rob Riley and Jeff Sessions - "keep digging."

    *For readers interested in going deeper down the Morning Joe/Klausutis/Alabama Gang rabbit hole a link to Legal Schnauzer is a good place to start.


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    RINO Romney is a political loser. What the hell were Utah voters thinking?


    Open an investigation into Mitt assaulting a schoolmate and cutting his hair off (too girly?); later in life this kid committed suicide. Mitt, I defended and voted for you on this and now I am sorry.


    If the Morman Church fails to excommunicat Romney all Christians will know where they stand in Christ. Romney is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He needs to be defanged. Only excommunication will clip his satanic wings.

    George Flinn

    C'mon Getsome, that would require some integrity on the part of the Mormon Church, so you know that'll never happen! In Utah, the Mafia takes second place in corruption!


    Daily kid has conveniently self-censored their own story, now that Scarborough is firmly planted on their side of the culture war. Wish I could say I was surprised.

    Mad Celt

    Here in north Georgia we don't give a damn what Mittens thinks about anything. Squinty Scarborough even more so.11


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