• Speaker Pelosi Supports Nationwide Requirement To Wear A Mask

    June 29, 2020
    Pelosi Wants Federal Requirement For Facemasks
    Image by NurseTogether

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has come out in support of Vice President Biden’s campaign promise to require by federal law every American to wear a mask in response to the Coronavirus epidemic.  One of Biden’s campaign stumps is that President Trump is not the correct leader for this pandemic, and this requirement is one of his solutions as he tries to appeal to voters how he would handle the crisis differently.   He told CBS Pittsburgh affiliate KDKA that he would do everything, as president, in his executive power to require every American to wear a mask.

    In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi agreed with Biden’s idea, stating, “My understanding is that the Centers for Disease Control has recommended the use of masks but not required it, because they don’t want to offend the president.” She continued, “Real men wear masks.”

    In contrast, Vice President Mike Pence has said it is up to local and state governments to determine the requirement for face masks.   President Trump has been fiercely attacked for not wearing a mask as the issue has turned very political.  While certain GOP lawmakers refused to wear a mask in Congress earlier this month, Pelosi reacted by requiring masks in all House committee meetings. Those who are against wearing a mask state that it goes against their individual liberty, and it is a gross government overreach.


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