• The Coronavirus Hypocrisy

    July 7, 2020
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    The Coronavirus Hypocrisy

    In a time of a worldwide pandemic, the left has used every possible avenue to attack President Trump.  And among the most vocal, is former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

    While Clinton gave an interview with the Hollywood Reporter where she stated she is confident she would have been a better leader through this time, she has become increasingly more vocal in her criticism on the president.  In response to the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) that will make international students leave the U.S. if their classes transition to online courses this fall, Clinton immediately jumped to attack.  In a tweet, she wrote, “This move is cruel, unnecessary, and counterproductive to America’s long-term interests.  A Trump administration special.”

    President Trump was first criticized when he shut down the border to China and foreigners who had traveled to China (except for U.S. Citizens) at the start of the Coronavirus.  As Democrats used this decision to paint the president as anti-immigration (a big jump as most other countries have now shutdown their borders to the United States), once the Coronavirus impact became more clear, they changed their position that President Trump did not do enough to stop the virus’ spread in the early stages.  And even now, the Democrats attack on President Trump is that he does not take the virus seriously enough, and for the most part, they are upset he doesn’t wear a mask.  But while his administration has taken a step to slow travel, it has once again been used to paint him as opposed to other countries, which then slides into the racism and xenophobic accusations.

    Furthermore, President Trump is meeting with President Lopez Obrador of Mexico tomorrow at the White House.  This meeting will be the first between the two presidents.  While touring the Arizona-Mexico border mid-June, President Trump said how positive his relationship with the president has become, and how the two countries are working together to combat illegal immigration, and bring stability to the border.  But for the Democrats, this has turned to another point of attack, and somehow become about the Coronavirus.  The Congressional Hispanic Caucus put out a statement that the members “Denounce politicization of U.S.-Mexico Relationship and Urge President Trump To Cancel Meeting With Mexican President Lopez Obrador.” In the letter 12 members wrote to the president, they said the meeting is “an attempt to distract from the Coronavirus crisis and your failure to lead an adequate response to the pandemic.”

    Why this matters: Approaching the November elections, the heightened attacks on the administration will most likely increase.  The central message that President Trump has inadequately handled the Coronavirus has caused members to bring almost every decision back to that point.  President Biden has pumped up his rhetoric around the virus, and is using his decision to wear a mask, social distance, and spent most of his time in his basement as proof he is more cautious.  While Americans urge for life to get back to normal, however, it is unclear if this campaign strategy will be effective.  Also, for a party that focuses on Trump’s divisiveness, their actions and words are contradicting their own insults.


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