• Senator Calls Out BLM

    July 9, 2020
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    Image by Black Lives Matter

    As the Black Lives Matter protests continue across the country, there have been growing concerns about the movement’s link with far-left, communist groups.  While many protests turned violent, stores were looted, and Seattle went as far as adopting an “autonomous zone” within the city, questions are starting to arise over the true purpose of Black Lives Matter, and the effects it will have on rule of law and order nationwide. 

    Senator Loeffler from Georgia, in particular, has been outspoken about BLM, telling Fox News that the goals of the group are anti-American.  In an interview with Laura Ingraham, she said, “Black Lives Matter is a very divisive organization based on Marxist principles.  This is an organization that seeks to destroy the American prinicples and I had to draw the line. “She continued that the group wishes to destroy America’s tradition of a “nuclear family,” and is also “anti-Semitic.”

    Loeffler first came out against the Black Lives Matter movement over the WNBA’s decision to allow players to incorporate the “Black Lives Matter” and “Say Her Name” slogan on their warmup attire.  Loeffler said in response to that instead, the players should wear the American flag, and that sports need “less, not more,” politics.  Loeffler is a co-owner of the Atlanta Dream, which is part of the WNBA franchise. 

    Why this matters: Politicians nationwide have felt the effects of BLM. It has been very controversial to stand up against the movement, as criticism is viewed as racist. "Black Lives Matter" was painted outside the White House as a message to President Trump, and Mayor de Blasio painted the name outside of Trump Tower in Manhattan today. Senator Loeffler has been one of the few, but slowly growing, number of politicians who question the true intent of the group, and what their final goal really is. In a time of group think of partisan politics, it will be interesting to see what her colleagues in the Senate do after she has broken apart and been openly critical during a sensitive time to discuss racism.


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