President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence declassified documents that confirm President Obama’s administration knew of Hillary Clinton’s alleged attempt to connect President Trump to Russia with the purpose to distract American voters from her private email server scandal.
On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee said the Obama administration had Russian Intelligence all the way back in July 2016 which had allegations against Clinton, but said the intelligence committee “does not know the accuracy of this allegation the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”
But moreover, the declassified information shows handwritten notes from CIA Director John Brennan that he briefed Obama on the information. The intelligence pointed to the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services."
And now, Ratcliffe plans to brief Congress, hinting that the idea of “Russian disinformation came from a different source. Ratcliffe said, "To be clear, this is not Russian disinformation and has not been assessed as such by the Intelligence Community. I’ll be briefing Congress on the sensitive sources and methods by which it was obtained in the coming days.”
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham said in response to the letter, “This latest information provided by DNI Ratcliffe shows there may have been a double standard by the FBI regarding allegations against the Clinton campaign and Russia.”
Graham continued, “Whether these allegations are accurate is not the question. The question is did the FBI investigate the allegations against Clinton like they did Trump? If not, why not? If so, what was the scope of the investigation? If none, why was that?"
The new information poses serious questions into how the intelligence and judiciary branches handled the Steele dossier and all the subsequent actions. Furthermore, the documents come as US Attorney John Durham is widening his probe to look into the Clinton Foundation’s potential corruption, and how they may have been involved with the start of the Russia hoax.
Why this maters: Collusion? That was the Democrat's favorite word for President Trump, but now this new information seems there could have been collusion with the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign, who used their power to create a false narrative about Trump. All, of course, so Hillary Clinton could win the election. If she had, all of this information would have gone away for good.
Are you still taking about Hillary's emails? Jesus christ man, get a job. That shit was 4 years ago. No one cares any more.