• Melania Gives Coronavirus Update

    October 5, 2020
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    Image by Marc Nozell

    While President Trump has spent his first days with the coronavirus from Walter Reed Hospital, his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, has been quarantined in the White House. 

    Mrs. Trump gave an update of her health on twitter today, writing, “My family is grateful for all of the prayers & support! I am feeling good & will continue to rest at home. Thank you to medical staff & caretakers everywhere, & my continued prayers for those who are ill or have a family member impacted by the virus.”

    Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, has also been busy keeping the nation updated on the president’s help. He thinks that Trump will be able to come back to the White House today. He said, “Spoke to the president this morning. He continued to improve overnight and is ready to get back to a normal working schedule. Will meet with his doctors and nurses this morning to make further assessments of his progress."

    President Trump, who didn’t formally transfer his powers to Vice President Mike Pence, has been working from Walter Reed. 

    Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that the White House would not release a full list of names of staffers who have contracted the virus. She said, “There are privacy concerns. We take seriously safeguarding the information of personnel here in the White House.”

    After Hope Hicks tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday, there has been a tailspin in DC as the White House has been relatively very protected. Hicks, who traveled with President Trump to the first debate, may have given the virus to President Trump. Kayleigh McEnany also confirmed today that she tested positive for the virus, and will begin to quarantine. She said she doesn’t have symptoms, and will continue to work for the American people. 


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