• George W. Bush Confirms He Is In On The Con

    November 8, 2020
    George W. Bush Confirms He Is In On The Con
    Image by DonkeyHotey

    Former President George W. Bush confirmed today he is on the election fraud con, saying the poll was conducted fairly, in spite of massive evidence to the contrary.

    "The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally, fair its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear," Bush said.

    Bush added we must come together for our families and neighbors"".

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    Bush has been stung in recent years as Trump declared the former President's decision to start the Iraq War was the greatest foreign policy mistake in American history.

    It seems W's sense of righteousness is more important to him than the future of the American republic. At least we now for sure know he is part of the problem, part of the con.


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    This maggot Bush was and always has been a NWO traitor.

    Fu*k both living and dead Bushes.

    Allan Paull

    They have to be he was about to expose them TRUMP controls 71 million Americans and he will unleash them on the deep state


    One of the most inept disappointments in history shows his face to demonstrate yet more ineptness.

    C Landr

    W was a huge disappointment as president as was his father before him. Even Jeb is in board the election fraud train.


    LPL! Who cares what Bush says? What would he know anyway...is he a poll inspector? Sheesh! Well...we know the Globalists are in the tank for Biden and the status quo...and nobody is a Globalist id George isn't.


    George W Bush and his hold d%^& families are dirty satan worshiping globalist. Barbara Bush and HW burn Hell! The rest of the family will be there soon. These people are all criminals including Preston from my home state. Bush thinks he has clout with American people because he fooled a lot of them while in office. Well we caught on to his lies and hatred for America! He no longer has any clout in America. Go back to your Masonic buddies like Jim Kerry and have a black mass.

    Donald Trump Our President will prevail! The best President in history and to come.


    I meant John Kerry and sorry for the typos. I was passionate about what I was writing and didn't proof read it


    George W Bush and his whole d%^& family are dirty Satan worshiping globalist. Barbara Bush and HW burn Hell! The rest of the family will be there soon. These people are all criminals including Preston from my home state. Bush thinks he has clout with the American people because he fooled a lot of them while in office. Well we caught on to his lies and hatred for America! He no longer has any clout in America. Go back to your Masonic buddies like John Kerry and have a black mass.

    Donald Trump Our President will prevail! The best President in history and to come.


    George W Bush and his whole d%^& family are dirty Satan worshiping globalist. Barbara Bush and HW burn Hell! The rest of the family will be there soon. These people are all criminals including Preston from my home state. Bush thinks he has clout with the American people because he fooled a lot of them while in office. Well we caught on to his lies and hatred for America! He no longer has any clout in America. Go back to your Masonic Skull & Bones buddies like John Kerry and have a black mass take your wife and brother.

    Donald Trump Our President will prevail! The best President in history and to come. The Republican Party is dead


    Both of the Bushes are RINOS!!

    Juan Nalgus

    My mother just loved Bush Jr. as to her he was a Rock Star!!! She is now dead, but with what he’s been doing lately she is probably rolling in her grave....and with how he was integral in shutting down my business (banks started calling loans) and going into a war for revenge for his daddy making up WMD stories that put us Trillions in debt..this idiot is the worst President in the history of America...

    Coy Coleman

    The only President in recent memory that came close to Killing and Maiming as many Americans as Lyndon Baines Johnson. He turned his back on Veterans on their return.He is a friend of China and almost as bad a RINO as McCain. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR ANY BUSH OR ANYONE SUPPORTED BY BUSH.

    Coy Coleman

    The whole family is tainted and will be excluded from politics forever. We will never forget traitors.

    rickey ricardo

    Thank goodness Trump had the good judgment to chose the same Attorney General (Barr) as Bush. (SARC.) Especially after already soiling himself with his first pick, Sessions. He really shot himself in the foot witth ha decision. I can' figure out, if he actually thought he was being cute with that hands off policy, leting Wray and Barr run wild?

    Let's be real. Trump figured he had enough to do so he'd just fall back and punt. No one is going to give him schit for letting the AG handle it. He won't be geting heat for that, sort of like avoiding a cancer check up for a hacking cough that won' go away. Hey Mrs. Lincoln so other than that, how did you like the play?

    Lars Norman

    Someone needs to tell this poop stain that Gore won and he was the first ever election stealer. Too bad the Dems didn't imprach him before he escaped to citizenship. No doubt even worse president than one term Carter.

    Geo DeGroot

    GW, while President was tolerable, because we weren't sure of his Globalist ties. Now that we know him as a Leftist and Globalist, within the Skull and Bones Cult, he is nothing but a maggot to be dealt with by his MAKER someday....sooner rather than later, but that is not my call.


    So is Limbaugh.


    You are a part of the Deep State, GW.
    Your next and last stop is Hell.

    erne fachtmann

    I don't understand this guy. I was one of his staunch supporter but lately he has been a huge disappointment. Do not like Bush family anymore. Go Trump!!!! Only you can do this. We are with you. MAGA!!!!

    Kevin Bearly

    Hope the rest of the Bush family go see the elder Bush traitor in hell soon.


    You are right as rain about Limbaugh. That guy has spent his entire miserable career being an overpaid excuse maker and spin doctor for whoever happens to sit in the White House and who had an R next to their name when they got elected. He has repeatedly kissed up to the Bush Crime Family and to this day, tries to claim that they are 'decent people' - when in fact, every last one of these slimeballs are diabolically evil, war mongering, war profiteering, open borders loving, America hating, psychopathic, globalist, treasonous cockroaches.

    As we all now can clearly see - as they drop their masks and cheer the fact that Bolshevik Communists are on the verge of stealing the 2020 Presidential election.

    Montana Man

    I'm so ashamed that I voted for that man. He's a despicable RINO, just like his parents.

    Lady Tess

    Just remember his family got an envelope at papa's funeral...marked for destruction?

    Lady Tess

    Don't feel bad, I did worse I voted for O'Bummer ONCE!


    Bush started the war with Iraq simply because "SaDamn tried to kill ma Daddy"...."

    Russell Johnson

    More proof presidential politics is a country club; only members are allowed to run for the office. The deep state actually runs our government, as long as W hates Trump and pushes globalism he's their tool. Deep state was so confident HRC would win they blinked and Trump broke through. The massive election fraud DS fostered is the third coup attempt on Trump-- I hope it fails. Trump was correct when he said they are coming after you (the American people) I'm just in their way---everything Demoncrats want to change weakens America and shapes it into a perfect Globalist state.


    A sad day for Ameroca and the Rule of Law. Former President GW Bush, OPENLY going along with the CON. But then, he has ALWAYS been a Deep Stater and always will be.


    all the ruling class needs to be buried .

    Bruce Pestell

    W was a placeholder, just like Biden. He is part of the establishment. His father cancelled the Reagan revolution and essentially caused the election of Bell Clinton.


    the W stands for weasel.


    Pretty sad coming from a guy who only became president because of lawsuits. The Bush’s are rotten to the core.


    It's time someone told the President the truth. It's past time he listened.

    Stronger, harder, & more ruthless men than our President have measured him carefully & found him to be a real estate developer with standard,(even, if excellent) executive, board room skill sets. That's all fine, as far as it goes. Did I say strong, hard, ruthless men?

    These same men & the forces they represent are fighting every day & competing for world domination & frankly, they aren't particularly impressed with, or dismayed by the President's marketing skills. It worked once in 2016, caught them flat footed as it were. Now they've seen & reevaluated it all & they have sized Trump up for a walk over, which, if you're ready to be honest is exactly what they have just done.

    I have tried to warn the President literally dozens of time over the course of his first term, but even, if "Piss ants" like me could talk who would hear them?

    What now needs doing is for Trump to come out fighting. The law is for cowards. The very first thing the President must do is to arm Taiwan with nuclear, tipped missiles, replete with American trainer teams. Neither the Democrats, nor the Chinese, not even Jack Dorsey with his futuristic, Una-bomber beard, not the entirety of the establishment, or its media can do a damn thing to change it. You don't put the toothpaste back in that tube.

    That's the opening shot, if the President intends to indicate he is going to win this fight. He can be advised as to how to approach and implement that proposition, but it is nonnegotiable. They can all scream and they will, but Trump is commander in chief. He never promised & has no obligation to be weak & ineffective.

    I say again, the law is for cowards. First, you have to earn their respect. Powerful men have substituted in & live by rules. Some even have a code. The very first rule is to win. The law is a mere handmaiden. The law follows victory. Take charge. Be the man. That's what winners do.


    That man needs to be arrested for high treason.


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