• Project Veritas Does It Again - PBS Principal Counsel Advocates Taking Conservative Children, Putting Them In Re-Education Camps

    January 12, 2021
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    PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Violent Radical Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ … ‘Put [Children] into Re-Education Camps…Watch PBS All Day’ … ‘COVID Spiking in Red States…[Red State Voters] Are Sick & Dying’

    • Michael Beller, PBS principal counsel: “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps.”
    • Beller: “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day.
    • Beller: “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place [Washington, D.C.] where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody's just stupid?”
    • Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great…a lot of them [red state voters] are sick and dying.”
    • PBS is a nonprofit institution receiving millions of dollars per year from the federal government


    [WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jan. 12, 2021] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his statements defending violent attacks on the White House, re-education for the children of Trump supporters and praising the deaths of red state voters as a result of COVID-19.


    In a conversation with a Veritas journalist, Beller explained his violent intentions:

    Michael Beller: “In these times, which are unique -- I mean Trump -- Trump is close to Hitler.”

    Journalist: “What are you going to do if we [Democrats] don’t win?”

    Beller: “Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.”

    Beller said that the children of Trump supporters were being raised to be horrible people, and that a solution would be sending those children to re-education camps. 

    “They’ll [Trump supporters] be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids,” Beller said.

    “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps,” he said. 

    “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day,” he said. 

    Beller told the Veritas journalist that he was happy to live in Washington D.C. instead of a small town in the United States. He said that people in those towns are not intelligent.

    “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody's just stupid?” 

    Beller said it was a good thing that COVID-19 expanded in states where Republican candidates often win elections. He said it would help his political objectives if voters in those states did not show up to vote given that they would likely be sick or dying:

    Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great.”

    Journalist: “Why do you think so?”

    Beller: “Because either those people won’t come out to vote for Trump -- you know the red states -- or a lot of them are sick and dying.”

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