• Biden Admin Reportedly Moving Ahead With development Of Supreme Court Reform Commission

    January 27, 2021
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    The Biden administration is forging ahead in developing a bipartisan commission to study potential reforms to the nation's high court as well as the federal judiciary.

    Biden campaign lawyer Bob Bauer and former deputy assistant attorney general within the Obama Justice Department Cristina Rodríguez will serve as co-chairs, according to Politico. The outlet said the commission's exact mandate is still being determined. Citing "those familiar with the discussions," the outlet reported that Caroline Fredrickson and Jack Goldsmith will also serve on the commission.

    Politico pointed out that Fredrickson, who has previously served as American Constitution Society president, remarked during an interview in 2019 that, "I often point out to people who aren't lawyers that the Supreme Court is not defined as 'nine person body' in the Constitution, and it has changed size many times..."

    To read more visit Just The News.

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