• Charles Hurt: After Impeachment Farce Ends, Next Comes 14th Amendment

    February 13, 2021
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    President Trump Farewell Speech

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    With the result of the second impeachment charade a forgone conclusion in Washington, let us now turn to the final partisan tool remaining in Democrats’ torture closet: The 14th Amendment.

    This amendment allows Congress to banish from future federal office any current or former politician deemed by congress to have “engaged in insurrection.” Its adoption after the Civil War was designed to prevent officers or political leaders of the Confederate regime from being elected to Congress or the presidency.

    In a normal world, it would be impossible for Congress to punish a man for engaging in “insurrection” after Congress had just acquitted the same man of engaging in the same insurrection. Or, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently called it on the Senate floor, “inciting the erection...”

    To read more visit Breitbart.

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