• Black Community Rages At Biden Racist Comments...Minorities Continue To Move To MAGA Movement

    February 21, 2021

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    Illegitimate President Joe Biden enraged the black community with his recent racist comments saying blacks don't know how to use a computer or get online. The meme world exploded with satire regurgitating the President's comments.

    Biden has repeatedly throughout his political career made overtly racist comments towards blacks, leading many black leaders to complain the DNC only uses minorities for political goals, but harbors real deep-seated racsim, as opposed to the manufactured hate suggested for the Trump movement, where the evidence doesn't exist, and fake racism hoaxes are frequent.

    "This is what they think of black and hispanic Americans. THE REAL racism is in your blood boy!" declared a successful black female real estate investor in south Atlanta.

    "JOE BIDEN IS A RACIST! He said Blacks and Hispanics don’t know how to get online and use the Internet. HE THINKS WE ARE ALL IGNORANT. President Trump would have been called a racist for saying this!" declared black activist Terrence Williams.

    The meme below, although ugly, epically makes this point. Made by a black American man, we found it instructive and worth reposting.

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    Vickey Cordell

    Pedo Joe--- Not my President.


    they got what they voted for


    This is the MOST i l l e g i t i m a t e so called president of ALL times ! The POS DEMON RATS installed him and this will not turn out well !

    Michael Lofton

    If there's an example of white privilege it is most obviously Joe Biden!

    steve karas

    Democrats exist to eliminate America, they are all scum


    Joe BuyDen, the gift that keeps on giving of conservatives!


    It's wrong to call this Biden fool President. He's an Alleged President.


    President Trump won the election and he is still the president in the eyes of the people!

    Joe Sephens

    So why do minorities continue to vote democrat? The dims voted against the civil rights acts of the 1960's, stood in front of school doors to block blacks from schools, etc. etc. etc.

    ANGELA Martin

    Wow, I need some tissue for this...:-) just wrong. Why in the heck cant my peeps see this soft bigotry of low expectation. In my 95% black/Latino neighborhood in Huntsville Al, the Neanderthals has iphones, alexa controlled Christmas lights, drones, xboxes......and wait for it.......CARS. Where did they get this guy(pedo joe) from?


    His comment is just an expression of the Democrat theory overall, that people in racial minorities in the US are incapable and inferior and need intervention in order to succeed. Implicit in the pandering insistence by Democrats that they must "help you" is the belief that minority success is impossible without assistance. Now that is demeaning.


    The guy that did the meme is brilliant. It isn't ugly at all, it is the truth.


    This is you KKK Dementia President! He has and always will be a true Racist. Not the made up Racist that they tried to portray Trump as.Y You all backed the wrong horse. Everyone told you but you didn't want to listen. Now this nincompoop is your President. He is not mine!


    My parents came to the US from Puerto Rico. Most of my youth was spent in Bed-Sty, Brooklyn (an "inner city" community). With a combined 10 years of education between them, my parents raised 4 college graduates, including 2 with advanced degrees. We all own our own homes and our family net worth is probably more than some neighborhoods in the 3rd world. America provided us the framework to forge ahead, despite some headwinds. America provided the system whereby we could rise to the limits of our aspirations and talents. With faith, we moved forward in our lives, got married, raised children, served in the Military and wove ourselves into the fabric of ethnic groups and cultures known as America. Joe Biden: you can stick your racist assumptions and desires to keep us down where the Sun don't shine. That should relieve you of some of the toxicity you harbor towards Americans who don't look like you! Biden: Not my President.


    Biden, "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids". Except in the case of a Biden, then poor kids are much smarter!


    What in the frick!!! A black woman taught me a lot about computers since I'm an older white schooled in an era before computers!!! Biden is bat sh-t crazy.

    Eileen Kuch

    Gromm, you have a real valid point there, and I agree 100%. Indeed, Dementia Joe's the most illegitimate so-called president of all times. The P0S DemonRats installed him and this won't turn out well at all.


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