Georgia Election Reform: Changing The Law Is Necessary -- But Not Sufficient
An illegal 'donut truck' in Atlanta, GA during recent elections

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We need to have a 'conversation' in Georgia...about election fraud. The practice was so obvious during the 2020 U.S. general election that no one can hide from it anymore, no matter if your skin is white, black, or purple. No justice, no peace.

Election fraud is a colorblind issue. However, one side in the debate resorted to the tired 'racism card' to try and head off efforts by the GA legislature to stop bad practices which made GA the laughing stock of election crime around the world.

GA can no longer allow these obvious criminals posing as politicians to have credibility.

One attendee to yesterday's hearing on the subject in Atlanta said to CDMedia...

"Finally left the hearing today late in the early evening. Wanted to scream at one point-if GA voters would listen to what the other side thinks of them. They act like they are too stupid to figure how to vote" (a theme illegitimate President Joe Biden recently propagated).

The 'progressive' media, is ramping up again in Atlanta to beat the racism bells with tired old slogans that no longer work.

Alarm bells are going off for groups across DeKalb County critical of legislation intended to suppress voting. The legislation was introduced last week in the Georgia House of Representatives, wrote

“The 2020 election had a profound impact on our state. In the midst of COVID-19, more than 5 million citizens voted by absentee ballot, early voting or in-person on Election Day,” the Legislative Black Caucus Policy Committee said in a press release. “It was a great display of civic responsibility and an even greater display of county election officials offering unprecedented service to ensure votes were cast safely and securely.

“We now face numerous bills to either expand voting access or constrict it. Our criteria for supporting or opposing legislation, whether it pertains to voting, education or health care, is centered on improving the lives of Black people and protecting their civil and human rights.”

How can the Legislative Black Caucus Committee say those words with a straight face? Preventing voter fraud is not voter suppression. Sorry, Charlie. You are not telling the truth. In other words, you are lying. Requiring voter ID is not 'voter suppression'.

You can read more of the Lefty propaganda here.

One thing is for sure, the Left is worried about any attempts by the GA legislature, no matter how weak, to improve elections in the Peach State.

Successful blacks in south Atlanta, working to improve impoverished communities with opportunity, commerce, development and prosperity are angry at the black Democrat leadership in the city.

"But as the Dems fight so hard to make everyone woke, Black America is in fact having a Great Awakening - to systemic Democrat racism. As evidenced by Biden’s remarks this week at his CNN Town Hall, he really does think black people are too stupid to know how to use the internet. Since LBJ, the Dems have believed that Black America can be placated with crumbs while their enslavement of us shifts off a physical plantation to a cultural one. The nuclear family in Black America during slavery and Jim Crow was such a strong institution it scared them to death. [Larry Elder Documentary Uncle Tom lays it out beautifully]. It’s not an accident that Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood have worked for generations to convince black people to murder their own children in the womb so they wouldn’t have to get their hands dirty. She even wrote letters encouraging that black physicians be put in abortion clinics in black neighborhoods (like Kermit Gosnell) because blacks would trust them more to dismember their unborn children and think it was a good thing. Obama thought nothing more of Black America than an Obamaphone and a welfare check. But you can’t get good welfare for the black babies that are actually born unless their father is not in the picture. Government needs to be the source, not the family.

"Here comes Trump, who black America and every rapper and celebrity loved and emulated all the way up until he became pro-life and anti-pedophilia. He says, we don’t need equity of outcomes. We need equality of opportunity. He said black America should get to pick whatever school we want our kids to attend regardless of income and the tax dollars should follow the child. In Baltimore and Atlanta, that’s about $14k-$16k per child per year currently spent to keep failing schools in the inner city while the more prosperous parts of town get amazing public and charter schools. Just check the Charter School makeup of the Fulton County School District in Atlanta, which has Atlanta Public Schools in the middle. The Disparity between North Fulton and South Fulton is abysmal. Same County.

"Trump said I want blacks and hispanics to own a business and have tax breaks to provide cell phones for their employees, not be bought off with a cheap Obamaphone. Opportunity Zones. The Platinum Plan. Protecting life like no other. Protecting Christianity and the opportunity to freely exercise a religion that believes men are men, women are women, and marriage is between a man and a woman.

"And now they want blacks to line up for an experimental vaccine once again. No, thanks."

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