Image by Nydia Tisdale

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Lieutenant Gov. Geoff Duncan (R-GA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans did not need to pass election reform bills. Instead, he argued they needed to move past former President Donald Trump’s “tone and strategy.”

Duncan said, “We passed four election reform bills two weeks ago in the senate. As you mentioned a second ago, there is a lot of solutions in search of a problem. Republicans don’t need election reform to win. We need leadership. Millions of Republicans are waking up realizing Donald Trump’s tone and strategy is un-winnable in forward-looking elections. We need real leadership and new focus, GOP 2.0, and includes moderate in the middle to get us to the next election.”

Anchor Chuck Todd asked, “Republican legislature after legislature is making it hard to vote. You are not. Why are you in the minority...?”

To read more visit Breitbart.

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