Alpharetta Mayor David Belle Isle Launches Campaign For GA SoS To Replace Anti-Trump Raffensperger
David Belle Isle (left)

David Belle Isle, the former Mayor of Alpharetta, a north Atlanta suburb which has boomed as downtown Atlanta declines due to corrupt management, yesterday launched his run for the position of GA Secretary of State. He will primary Brad Raffensperger of the GOP, which allowed massive election fraud in the Peach State during the 2020 election cycle.

The Secretary of State is multi disciplinary organization needing someone with executive leadership skills. He was the mayor that reinvented Alpharetta, declared an Alpharetta resident CDMedia spoke with about the candidacy.

Belle Isle focused on his executive experience in his opening speech to GA citizens.

"As conservatives, we are against voter suppression. We want to make it easier to vote for those who are eligible to vote. It should be easy to vote, not easy to cheat!," said Belle Isle.

"I will work to CLEAN voter rolls, FIX our mail-in process, and provide a true AUDIT of the system."

Alpharetta Mayor David Belle Isle Launches Campaign For GA SoS To Replace Anti-Trump Raffensperger