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More than five months have elapsed since the 2020 presidential election, but officials in the Peach State have yet to produce chain of custody records for hundreds of thousands of absentee vote-by-mail ballots that were placed in drop boxes throughout the state.
The Georgia Star News reported that the Georgia Secretary of State's office has said that there were 1.3 million absentee vote-by-mail ballots cast in the contest. The outlet said that polling performed by John McLaughlin & Associates suggests that 600,000 of those ballots were placed in the drop boxes throughout the state.
"According to Georgia Election Code Emergency Rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14, promulgated by the Georgia State Election Board in July 2020, but not codified by the state legislature at the time as the Georgia Constitution requires, each of Georgia's 159 counties is responsible for documenting the transfer of every batch of absentee ballots picked up at drop boxes and delivered to the county election offices with ballot transfer forms. The forms are required to be signed and dated, with time of pick up by the collection team upon pick up, and then signed, dated, with time of delivery by the registrar or designee upon receipt and accepted," The Star News reported...
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