• Update On Maricopa County Election Audit

    May 28, 2021
    VIDEO: Democrats Cave In Maricopa County Court, Election Audit Will Go On

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    Here is the latest update on the Maricopa County, AZ election audit which restarted at the beginning of the week, after a layoff due to venue usage.

    From Senator Wendy Rogers Telegram Channel


    Here are some of my takeaways from the tour of the audit yesterday:

    Increase in capacity now:
    From 17 to 32 paper inspection tables using microscopic cameras
    From 20 to 44 counting tables (yellow, green, blue)
    From 4 to 12 aggregation tables

    The pace is picking up daily
    More audit forensics are done each day

    Theoretically, mail-in ballots should all be of the same type, composition, and fiber with little to no variance. So if variances ARE seen, there should be an explanation, if there is no explanation, then that is a gap.

    703 precincts were condensed down to 175 precincts. Every precinct has different ballots. Thus, if your ballot was "printed on demand", then the paper in those situations could legitimately vary… but the paper should not vary for mail-in ballots.

    We now DO have the deleted databases folder

    1. Despite news accounts, it really WAS deleted.
    2. It was CyFIR who discovered this and they are none other than the firm who discovered the June 2015 US Gov't Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach where SF86 forms used for Top Secret security clearances were compromised. The bad guys had been infiltrated into OPM for three years.
    3. Sample scenario:
      Ballot box's pink slip says 200 ballots contained in the box. Really only 99 physical ballots are actually IN the box. There should be TWO cross-references to verify this. The Dominion machine would have a batch number corresponding to that grouping of ballots AND Dominion should have the scanned imagery to similarly correlate to those ballots. Where are the remaining 101 ballots? Are they imaged in Dominion? Is their batch number tallied in Dominion?

    Constituent questions:
    Will the AZ Audit be enough?
    Yes, because it will inform legislation necessary to plug the gaps to restore the public's confidence.

    What has been the media's role?
    The media have served to fragment and erode our confidence.

    Will it be provable?
    Contrary to her claims, Secretary Hobbs' concern of contamination of the tabulator machines is completely baseless. CyFIR's standard operating procedures for data collection are Read Only capabilities such that nothing can be altered. Everything is also provably videoed. Dominion itself declined the invitation to observe the AZ Audit.

    Will the AZ Audit's results be legally actionable?
    Potentially, yes. Indeed, intent versus accidental sloppiness is determinable.

    Bottom Line: The left redefines "evidence" to be proof. The way it really goes is you have enough evidence to proceed with investigation and discovery. Then you determine the conclusion based upon proof. Example: You go outside and the ground is wet. Was it due to rain? Was it your neighbor's sprinklers? Was it morning dew? One needs more information for proof. If the courts and media stop you, then you will never discover the proof to know the truth.

    Summary to the audience from Cyber Ninjas CEO:

    1. This has never been done before.
    2. It's really important for our democracy to be transparent
    3. Unfortunately, technology has gotten in the way rather than helping.
    4. Where will we be if voters think their votes don't matter anymore?
    5. We have a solid AZ Audit team that is ready and capable to get it done.
    6. This is a calling. We will overcome any and every obstacle.
    7. Can't wait till it's over so that the participants can talk all they want about what they've seen!
    8. Physical data collection completed by the end of June. The report will follow sometime later.

    Feedback from a floor volunteer who is a retired USAF pilot

    1. Chain of custody procedures are as precise and flawless as Strategic Air Command's. Signing off of authenticators' "secrets" was not as stringent as the AZ Audit! Going to the bathroom for 10 minutes requires a sign-off.
    2. Laughable that the AZ Secretary of State said her machines were compromised when she initially said they were unhackable.

    Post 2:

    Procedures on the floor:

    1. All volunteer counters must be from Maricopa county and have voted in the November 2020 election. (skin in the game)
    2. Tally sheets and ballots can physically move only if 3 things are present:
    3. Three components to the AZ Audit layout: Counting - Aggregation - Forensics.
    4. Every worker treats the process on the floor as if he were in a court of law.

    I will put out more info during my upcoming interviews about what I saw.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!    


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    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    Thank you, Patriot!


    Thank you volunteers!! May God Bless and protect you all !!

    John Whitworth

    This is huge .. one of the most important stories in the world right now...Democracy hangs in the balance.....if the fraud is not provable..the bad actors get away with this...and we will never have an election that Americans will trust...

    God Speed to all of you patriots

    James C. Howe CPA

    Democrat? Republican? Independent?
    Why would you not want the truth to come out about the election results?
    Worried about the "audit process?"
    As a CPA who's seen a few audits I am OK with the audit process.
    As a CPA with a business associate who is a top notch IT expert & agrees with the IT portion of the process...I am definitely OK with it.
    Let the truth come out...come what may.

    Ann Arbor

    Please clarify the database that was deleted and the scope of the contents. On the surface it sounds like the database was deleted to inhibit an audit. The loss of the database warrants a procedural audit and possible criminal proceeding. It appears the Dominion system are easily compromised by and audit evidence destroyed by the operators.

    Chinese Troll Finder

    Thank you to THESE frontline workers! Make America GREAT -again- !


    I don't know what people expect. The time to stop the theft of the election was before it happened (we all knew it was coming and watched the Democratsset the stage). Or at least before Joe's inauguration. We already know the Democrats cheated and it's already been proven. Further, the Democrats responsible won't face Justice, Joe will never be replaced with Trump, and the Left will continue to prevent any meaningful election reform that could stop their cheating in the future.

    Gerald Colonel

    Very informative update. I wasn't aware of 'aggregation tables'. What are these teams looking at ?


    William Joyce

    I am born in AZ and just cannot believe we are a blue state. The crime of the century goes all the way down the ballot. Space man is a imposter and the blond senator beat sally, because she is a rhino and would not stand and fight. sienna, sorry just can't spell her name, might be a blessing in disguise???

    RockyMtn 1776

    The problem isn't that far to many Democrats are lying, unethical , dirt bags, everyone already knows that. The problem is their supporters aka voters don't care ! They call themselves victims when caught in the act but in reality they are accessories. The sad part of it is, most of the time they get away with it. Proof in point: The 2 biggest lies of 2020. (1) Epstein killed himself. (2) Biden won.

    L Garou

    We're the NSA, NIA, DHS, DOJ, FIB, (cia) and we see nothing! Nothing!!


    "Where will we be if voters think their votes don’t matter anymore?"

    That is actually where we are now. The only way back to voter trust in the integrity of elections is through thorough forensic audits by competent personnel of all the battleground states.


    What happens if a series of forensic audits in the battleground states clearly shows that Biden is indeed an illegitimate president? If he is allowed to remain in office, it will show that voting doesn't matter. Where will that leave us as a country?


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