• The New Domestic War On Terror Has Already Begun -- Even Without The New Laws Biden Wants

    June 2, 2021
    Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK To Enter

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    The Department of Homeland Securityon Friday issued a new warning bulletin, alerting Americans that domestic extremists may well use violence on the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre. This was at least the fourth such bulletin issued this year by Homeland Security (DHS) warning of the same danger and, thus far, none of the fears it is trying to instill into the American population has materialized.

    The first was a January 14 warning, from numerous federal agencies including DHS, about violence in Washington, DC and all fifty state capitols that was likely to explode in protest of Inauguration Day (a threat which did not materialize). Then came a January 27 bulletin warning of “a heightened threat environment across the United States that is likely to persist over the coming weeks” from “ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority” (that warning also was not realized). Then there was a May 14 bulletin warning of right-wing violence “to attack higher-capacity targets,” exacerbated by the lifting of COVID lockdowns (which also never happened). And now we are treated to this new DHS warning about domestic extremists preparing violent attacks over Tulsa (it remains to be seen if a DHS fear is finally realized).

    Just like the first War on Terror, these threats are issued with virtually no specificity. They are just generalized warnings designed to put people in fear about their fellow citizens and to justify aggressive deployment of military and law enforcement officers in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country. A CNN article which wildly hyped the latest danger bulletin about domestic extremists at Tulsa had to be edited with what the cable network, in an “update,” called “the additional information from the Department of Homeland Security that there is no specific or credible threats at this time.” And the supposed dangers from domestic extremists on Inauguration Day was such a flop that even The Washington Post — one of the outlets most vocal about lurking national security dangers in general and this one in particular — had to explicitly acknowledge the failure...

    To read more visit Glenn Greenwald at Substack.

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    Believe nothing from the ZOG.

    Whiskey Jack

    Whose side are you on? Why are you calling the Tulsa riots a "massacre?" Why are you using the enemy's language. I llooked ionto it and it was really runnoing gun battle between blacks and whites. Whites were killed too. Nobdy is sure who started shooting first. It seems hot heads on both sides went after each other. It was not a "massacre." Get it? And the number of deaths seems to have been highly exaggeratged. I saw a reference to only 36 deaths, not "thousands."

    the gardener

    I have a lot of buttons I dont know exactly how many but I will say (using one of their preffered pronouns) they have been pushing a lot of them for quite some time now honestly I dont know how many I have that have not been pushed at least once . the last time all were used up was in high school and that did not turn out so well for the guy sitting in front of me in woodshop

    4th RCT

    Whiskey Jack is exactly right - readers have to do a little research to find that there were both blacks and whites killed - and no one seems to know how it all began. Get educated, people


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