• On The Eve Of The Delegitimization Of Joe Biden, DOJ Gets Involved To Try And Stop The Election Audits

    June 11, 2021
    12 Months That Shook A Nation

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    This story is developing...

    Everyone knows Joe Biden is an illegitimate occupant of The White House.

    The election audits metastasizing across the nation are about to prove that point beyond any doubt.

    Therefore, DOJ has to now find a way to get involved, in an attempt to keep the regime in power of course.

    We all knew this would happen; it was just a matter of when and how.

    Now that questions seems to be answered.


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    Everyone knows

    Everyone knows? Everyone knows? The only thing everyone knows (at least those with half a brain) is that the Arizona “audit” is bad theater and full of crap. That - and this poor excuse for “journalism” is pure garbage.

    Khyron the Destroyer

    Please provide your data to support your point.
    Reference the story, if the AG is looking into this, then you know that it is getting too close for His Fraudulentcy and Camel Toe for his comfort.


    Even IF they prove the election was stolen, the R's are too cowardly to do anything about it anyways. Maybe not cowardly but part of the same cabal. THEY were in on it too. Remember, a president does 4 year, 8 tops, many come and go, these dirt bags are there for decades, they really don't CARE about which president is in, they will soon be gone.


    Only a cheerleader for the democrats would offer interference to the audits ... if there is nothing to hide.


    democrats we have to hide our law breaking
    then they get caught

    Michael Sterling Vaughan

    keep up..you are failing to get the big picture here


    Everyone knows who has bothered to look at the vast amount of evidence of vote fraud attested to by sworn testimony of hundreds of divergent people in various positions including plain ol' citizens. The election was stolen.


    The Democrats are criminals.


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