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This story is developing...
CDMedia investigators have uncovered payments by a myriad of Georgia government agencies to the temp firm 'Happy Faces Staffing' financed by the firm 'Now Account' of which Stacey Abrams (former state rep and GA gubernatorial candidate) is an owner.
The payments show the firm was also compensated by the GA governor's office in 2020, showing work done for GA Governor Brian Kemp.
A list of 2020 payments to Happy Faces Staffing is below by GA state entities. CDMedia will report more information as it becomes available.

PLEASE, keep up the EXCELLENT and VITAL work you’re doing to expose the unbelievable depth of corruption in Georgia! I have never, in my life, been so ashamed to be a Georgian!
Marxists are EVIL to Their CORE and Abrams exemplifies EVIL!
Why is human, child, and family services donating taxpayer dollars to a political candidate? Those offices/departments should remain apolitical at all times, yet they donate to this lowlife who thinks SB202 is racist and Jim Crowe-like... Clearly her dumb@$$ did not read the bill and merely spouted nonsense to her uneducated followers who ignore facts for emotion.
THE LEFT WING democrat socialist govt is waging an outright war on the southern states, targeting Texas and Arizona in particular. They have declared wa financially, socially, and geographially. They have started the civil war that is about to take place in this country. If you are not ready, you will pay the price.
Same temp firm that was doing temp work for a number of metro Atlanta Elections boards during the 2020 election, including temp services with Fulton County Election board for tabulation of mail in ballots and tabulation results. How this person is free boggles my mind.
Abrams needs to on trial immediately.
Is anyone surprised?
When you give tax money to the bureaucracy, 70% of it disappears in different ways. Practically all which gets into the pockets of the other party.
Make them TERRIFIED to even go home.
TODAY, whitehats!
Prison time...if not more!
Investigations are needed into each and everyone of these payments, This is a scam by a Black Lady that is for sure not worth her weight in anything, She is a Crook, Looking for an easy way to screw the Ga Government out of more cash, By getting elected to any position that she can hold the checkbook for, Georgia Folks Please WAKE UP, This Bitch is no good, Sits on her Ass to find a way to screw you farther into the Ground, So SAD !
Common sense is everybody coming up with the same answer. Don't touch the fire because it will burn you. Democrats on the other hand have not one bit of common sense on anything. It's all to serve their pockets.
The left is full of U.N. bribed shills. Just look up Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Millenium Development Goals, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, Global Covenanent of Mayors, I.C.L.E.I, Crisis Group International, 29 Palms Survey, Arms Trade Treaty, "sustainable development goals," forced immigration into White countries, and more. I knew something was going to happen in 2020 and I told everyone, but was scoffed and ridiculed as a "conspiracy theorist" - a term devised by the see i a to discredid people who questioned the "official JFK narrative". The evidence is overwhelming if you just research.
Sneaky, cheating, evil to the core. Time to put Abrams in jail and her sister the judge be investigated.
I'm thinking the only way America is going to get back on track is through civil war. Democrats are destroying America and anyone voting for them are complicit. The are infiltrating everything with their Maoist nonsense and giving China control.
Nothing inappropriate here. It's obvious that Georgia Government doesn't hire enough permanent staff and uses a temp agency to fill in gaps. I sure this is one of many used. Ms. Abrams is doing nothing wrong or illegal, she's not in an elected position! She's allowed to open or own a business.
These kinds of contracts go out on bid and the Georgia government officials sign off on then so they must be happy with the service. What other temp agencies does the State of Georgia use? The real story would be why aren't these jobs permanent. Very disappointed in this article.
Stacy Abrams is as crooked as Hunter Biden.. she should never be around any voters or around any ballot ever again..