• Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

    July 13, 2021
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    Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

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    In a recent Washington Post op-ed, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) political science professor Lynne Chandler Garcia celebrated teaching critical race theory (CRT) to cadets. As a former USAFA political science professor who taught the same courses Garcia now teaches, I find her commitment to teaching CRT a dangerous hindrance to forming good citizens, effective leaders, and future Air Force commanders.

    Far worse than just a waste of taxpayer money, such teaching undermines American ideals and military camaraderie, substituting leftist dogma for the inculcation of genuine wisdom in our future officer corps.

    CRT is rooted in Marxist thought, essentially replacing class warfare with race warfare. Its language is that of oppressor and oppressed. It replaces color-blindness with color-consciousness (hence the ridiculous new practice of capitalizing certain adjectives, like “Black”)...

    To read more visit The Federalist.

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