• UPDATED LIVE FEED: Arizona Senate Hearing Tomorrow 10am MST Livestream

    July 14, 2021
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    The Arizona Senate has announced a Senate hearing tomorrow morning 10am MST. The event will be streamed live.


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    Hormel Chavez

    Fear. Democrats will feel fear like they never have before.


    Lets see if anything is done about the Democrat fraud.


    Let's see what MSM does when faced with the truth!


    The results will be: We found some mistakes with the vote count but not enough to affect the outcome...Nothing to see here folks, go home...


    Prepare for a black out of all communications and or a FF. Slow drip to flood.

    Proudly Unaffiliated

    Gotta go buy some more popcorn for this one. MAGA!

    Keith Daniels


    m. scott ellsworth

    Link to hearing broken. Was the hearing taped on Rumble or anywhere else? I can't get to the AZ Leg link.

    Anthony Sgambati

    The link is not working. "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found."

    Right side

    They forgot the S it's proceedings/ It's in the letter correctly I believe.


    10am MST is in 7 minutes.
    It is about to start...


    it is not starting they have it blocked?

    Ila A

    I believe they have shut it down.


    I found this in plain sight on the web months ago. You have to dig on the Internet if you want certain information.

    People seem to forget that the military cyber team was receiving the actual election results before they were corrupted by Dominion's treasonous servers:

    The Maricopa County Audit Team’s Findings
    (This was hidden from the public by the MSM)

    Trump 2,373,838 – Remember, Trump's original vote count was 1,661,686. Trump’s “official” vote total represents a staggering reduction of 712,152.

    Biden vote total= 1,286,264. The original Biden vote total was 1,672,143. The audit discovered that Biden’s votes decreased by 385,879.

    President Trump won Arizona by 1,087,574 votes with 2,373,838 to Biden 1,286,264. President Trump captured nearly two-thirds of the vote.

    After conducting a forensic audit, the audit team found that the vote flipped by approximately 1.1 million votes! This means that over one-third of the vote was stolen by Democratic Party operatives.

    Now the Arizona Senate wants to do a third audit count! They are trying in vain to stall the inevitable. They will not succeed and will be shown to the American people to be traitors!

    Also, the actual Electoral College election votes were as follows:

    President Trump - 410
    Fake Biden - 128

    These were posted by OAN (One American News Network) and then reposted by military lawyer Sidney Powell on one of her social media websites. The CCP and Demon-crat fraud was massive!

    Again, this was available on the web in plain sight. But the MSM as usual refused to post either of these stories.

    james m

    Send in the marshals to acquire the missing documentation.

    james m

    If I ignored a subpoena I would be arrest and held in contempt.

    Grammy D

    Typical political games. Despicable!!!!Truth, justice and honor are not in their wheelhouse. Arizona deserves a full forensic and transparent audit !!!

    Selene Sweck

    It's interesting to listen to the rationalization of no votes. It's the same old rhetoric, dividing people one against the other. A flat tax is not a tax break for the wealthy. It is a fair tax, period. These legislators are what is wrong with our country. Being a citizen guarantees you the right to pursue happiness. It does not say because you are poor that the government is supposed to give you special privileges at the expense of those who have earned more. Forced charity is flat wrong. This type of supposed "social justice" is bizarre. Everyone should pay the same amount of tax. To call it welfare for the wealthy is immoral.


    30,000 mail in ballots that were not mailed in , is there really nothing to see here is this baseless or are you abetting the fraud? If you’re abetting the fraud it’s A minimum of five years in prison so just keep saying that make sure you put your name on it!


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