AZ Senate Settles With Maricopa County Elections Board, Routers To Be Given To 'Special Master'

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Questions arose immediately after a settlement agreement was announced yesterday regarding a 'Special Master' appointed for Maricopa County to examine the routers, spunk logs, and other items in lieu of the County complying with AZ State Senate Subpoenas in the matter.

Former Congressman John Shadegg, who is now the Special Master, is reported to have lobbying ties with former Chair of the Maricopa County Supervisors, Clint Hickman, according to public records. Watch the video below from Ron Watkins Monkey Z Telegram Channel. He is also reported to have received money from Facebook.

Hickman made news after the election when farm buildings on his property burned to the ground killing many animals. Allegations were made the fire was to cover up massive election fraud in Arizona by destroying evidence stored there. This was not proven.

I have learned that John Shadegg has lobbied for Hickman's eggs in the past. Hickman's eggs is owned by the then Chair of the Maricopa County Supervisors, Clint Hickman. Supervisor Hickman has been a hostile player in regard to the audit. I feel that this is a direct conflict of interest.

So Clint Hickman accepts Facebook money to run the election. Hickman's own lobbyist is asked to be the special overseer of the routers & splunk logs, instead of complying with our subpoena. A direct conflict of interest exists, wrote AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend on her Telegram Channel.

Publicly avaialble lobbying reports

Since the stolen 2020 election is now a national security issue for all 50 states, we call on the AZ Senate to answer the questions regarding the selection of Shadegg to the nation's satisfaction. We are trying to get comments from the Arizona Senate on this matter and will report when we receive.

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