• CDMedia/Georgia Record/Big Data Poll: Biden’s Approval Craters As Independents Sour Early On Presidency In Peach State

    September 24, 2021
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    President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris visit the CDC in Atlanta, GA

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    All results from the CDMedia/Georgia Record/Big Data September 24, 2021 poll will be posted here in stages over the weekend.

    President Joe Biden's Approval Rating

    President Joe Biden’s approval rating is badly underwater in the Peach State, according to a new CD Media/ Georgia Record/Big Data Poll. In this tumultuous time of his presidency, only 41% of voters in Georgia approve of the job Mr. Biden is doing as president, while a solid majority (55%) disapprove.

    “As we’ve seen nationally and in other battleground states, voters have quickly soured on President Joe Biden in Georgia,” Big Data Poll Director Rich Baris said. "Statewide, he has taken a significant hit as roughly 14% of voters who backed his candidacy in November now disapprove of the job he’s doing as president, while less than 6% who voted for former President Donald J. Trump approve.”

    Only 33% of independents statewide approve of the president’s performance, including only 10% who strongly approve, while 58% disapprove. That includes 39% who strongly disapprove.

    “Nearly twice as many voters strongly disapprove (43%) of his job performance juxtaposed to those who strongly approve (22%).”

    Full Interactive Crosstabs & Methodology

    The CD Media Georgia Record Big Data Poll for Fall 2021 was conducted by Big Data Poll and interviewed 1,000 registered voters in Georgia via online survey panel from September 18 to September 22, 2021. The sampling error is ± 3.1% at a 95% confidence interval. Results were weighted to represent statewide voter demographics to include age, gender, race and region. Party identification or affiliation—separate from the more static party registration—is impacted by weighting aforementioned variables, but results are NOT weighted for party identification. The partisan breakdown of the survey was 38% Republican, 34% Democratic, and 28% Independent/Other.

    CDMedia is determined to present good polling data into the election but it's expensive! Please help fund future polls here if you can!


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