• NBC: Dems To Shelve 'Build Back Bankrupt' And Move To Federalize Elections, Biden Says It's Who Counts The Votes Thats Important

    December 15, 2021
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    NBC News is reporting the Democrats will shelve the 'Build Back Bankrupt' bill in the Senate and move to 'voting rights'. In other words, they will move to federalize elections for permanent power. This would be against the Constitution of course, but this hasn't stopped them yet.

    Biden said today and we quote, "It's about who gets to count the votes, and whether your vote counts at all..."

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    “It’s about who gets to count the votes"..also said by JOSEPH STALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Tired of hearing them call it "voting rights" when its really "voting wrongs".


    Anyone see the problem with having the government involved with who counts the votes? How can you promote a free, fair, and honest election?

    It should be run by the people....who aren’t politically motivated. (Dem or republican)

    Regardless....put your hope in Christ. He alone can Save.

    sean Joseph poulk

    Christ needs warriors to carry out his justice and fight evil. You cannot sit by and "wring your hands" while evil flourishes. Soldiers for Christ!

    sean Joseph poulk

    Truth is spoken by children and imbeciles.


    That bogus and fraudulent bb bill was tossed because the dem-rino cabal could no longer spin the thing as legitimate and "helpful". Spins can only go so far until the do-ers run out of them, like a tiresome often-read bedtime fairytale story.

    Joseph David Powell

    Let's go Brandon!

    Mic J Palazzolo

    This criminal dishonesty follows this:

    "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud
    organization in the history of American Politics."

    -Joe Biden, October 24, 2020

    "I don't need you to get me elected. I need you once I'm elected."

    Joe Biden, October 31, 2020

    "It's no longer about who gets to vote or making it easier for
    eligible voters to vote. It's about who gets to count the vote."

    Joe Biden, July 13, 2021


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