• Senator Cornyn, Republican Legislators Back Civics Bill That Could Push Critical Race Theory On Every Public School In America

    July 2, 2022

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    Critics warn that the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), which is backed by multiple Republican senators such as Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), could impose leftwing critical race theory on every public school in the United States if it passes.

    The bill would empower Biden’s Secretary of Education to award grants to “eligible entities,” including nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and states, which would then use the money to offer subgrants to local educational agencies. Cornyn, who was recently booed at the Texas Republican Party convention over his support for gun control and appears to be working on an immigration package that would include amnesty, is among the Republicans who are backing the bill.

    The legislation would provide $1 billion dollars annually to eligible entities. $585 million would be earmarked for state education agencies, while nonprofits would receive $200 million, higher education institutions would receive $150 million, $50 million would be earmarked for researchers, and $15 million would be granted to the Prince Hall Fellowship program, which is intended to “diversify the civics and history education workforce...”

    To read more visit Breitbart. 

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    The definition of 'white supremacist' is "A person that believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society".
    Among the bill's sponsors and supporters are: Cassidy, Coons, Cornyn, King, Inhofe, Kelly and, of course Biden, who are all white people, and believe they should dominate society.


    This is an over reaching federal take over of State public schools just like the now overturned Roe vs. Wade.

    F D

    How to prevent federal tax dollars being used to mal-affect our local politics? Law suit to stop the process? For now, until we can look into the process to hopefully scuttle it, local govs have to refuse the money and choose curriculum that is optimal in producing highly educated results.


    Goals of the Lie-beral Demonocrats/RINOs: Kontinue corruption, Koddle illegals, Kill babies = KKK


    Shut down the Department of Education. Allow the states to execute their own educational systems the way the voters insist through the ballot box


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