• Democratic Legal Operative Marc Elias Of Steele Dossier Infamy Tweets His Opinion Of F.B.I.’s Raid Of Trump’s Residence

    August 9, 2022

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    On Monday evening, democratic legal operative, Marc Elias, whose former firm was involved in the infamous Steele dossier, took to twitter to post his opinion of the F.B.I. raid on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago property. 

    “The media is missing the really, really big reason why the raid today is a potential blockbuster in American politics,” tweeted Elias. 

    Elias also posted an excerpt of 18 U.S Code Section 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally and highlighted an excerpt that if a crime is proven the person “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” 

    It is well known in Washington, D.C. circles that many republicans and democrats do not want Donald Trump to run for the presidency in 2024 although he has endorsed many candidates who have won their primaries in 2022.

    The Washington goal to block Trump from running for president in 2024 is more than a whisper. 

    Elias’ tweet could not be more transparent, but is not the full historical picture. 

    Elias studiously negates to mention that his former clients, Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton, removed approximately $28,000 worth of possessions when they left the White House in January 2001. 

    At that time, there were negotiations about those possessions and a request to return them. 

    There were disagreements, but there was no raid. 

    The late Sandy Berger was President Clinton’s National Security Adviser in the 1990s.  who looked through documents in a classified setting, and removed some documents, and put them in his socks. 

    Berger “illegally took classified documents from the National Archives on more than one occasion. During his visits to the Archives, it was determined that Berger folded the documents in his clothes, walked out of the National Archives building in Washington, D.C., and placed them under a nearby construction trailer for retrieval later on,” reads the National Archive’s website. “Two years later Berger was sentenced  to 100 hours of community service and probation and fined $50,000. He also also had to pay $6,905 for the administrative costs of his two-year probation. Berger also lost his security clearance and license to practice law.” 

    The warrant application to the court for the F.B.I. raid on Trump’s property will be of utmost importance in this case knowing how the Department of Justice concocted information during the Trump presidency, and the irrefutable fact that Hilary Clinton was never charged for using a private server while Secretary of State, and had classified information on her private emails. and later, destroyed emails. 

    The Clinton home was never raided nor was she charged. 

    On February 18, 2022, David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, sent a letter to Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), who is Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Reform. 

    Maloney had sent a letter to the National Archives on February 9, 2022 about “the 15 boxes of presidential records that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) recently recovered from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.” 

    1. Did NARA ask the representatives of former President Trump about missing records prior to the 15 boxes being identified? If so, what information was provided in response? 

    Answer: NARA had ongoing communications with the representatives of former President Trump throughout 2021, which resulted in the transfer of 15 boxes to NARA in January 2022. 

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    2. Has NARA conducted an inventory of the contents of the boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago? 

    Answer: NARA is in the process of inventorying the contents of the boxes. 

    3. Please provide a detailed description of the contents of the recovered boxes, including any inventory prepared by NARA of the contents of the boxes. If an inventory has not yet been completed, please provide an estimate of when such an inventory will be completed. 

    Answer: NARA staff are in the process of inventorying the contents of the boxes, which we expect to complete by February 25. Because the records in the boxes are subject to the Presidential Records Act (PRA), any request for information regarding the content of the records will need to be made in accordance with section 2205(2)(C) of the PRA. 

    4. Are the contents of the boxes of records recovered by NARA undergoing a review to determine if they contain classified information? If so, who is conducting that review and has any classified information been found? 

    Answer: NARA has identified items marked as classified national security information within the boxes. 

    5. Is NARA aware of any additional presidential records from the Trump Administration that may be missing or not yet in NARA’s possession? 

    Answer: NARA has identified certain social media records that were not captured and preserved by the Trump Administration. NARA has also learned that some White House staff conducted official business using non-official electronic messaging accounts that were not copied or forwarded into their official electronic messaging accounts, as required by section 2209 of the PRA. NARA has already obtained or is in the process of obtaining some of those records. 

    6. What efforts has NARA taken, and is NARA taking, to ensure that any additional records that have not been turned over to NARA are not lost or destroyed? 

    Answer: NARA has asked the representatives of former President Trump to continue to search for any additional Presidential records that have not been transferred to NARA, as required by the Presidential Records Act. 

    7. Has the Archivist notified the Attorney General that former President Trump removed presidential records from the White House? If not, why not? 

    Answer: Because NARA identified classified information in the boxes, NARA staff has been in communication with the Department of Justice. 

    8. Is NARA aware of presidential records that President Trump destroyed or attempted to destroy without the approval of NARA? If so, please provide a detailed description of such records, the actions taken by President Trump to destroy or attempt to destroy them, and any actions NARA has taken to recover or preserve these documents. 

    Answer: In June 2018, NARA learned from a press report in Politico that textual Presidential records were being torn up by former President Trump and that White House staff were attempting to tape them back together. NARA sent a letter to the Deputy Counsel to the President asking for information about the extent of the problem and how it is being addressed. The White House Counsel’s Office indicated that they would address the matter. After the end of the Trump Administration, NARA learned that additional paper records that had been torn up by former President Trump were included in the records transferred to us. Although White House staff during the Trump Administration recovered and taped together some of the torn-up records, a number of other torn-up records that were transferred had not been reconstructed by the White House.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    What about criminals Clinton, Pelosi and biden...rump ranger marc????


    "Democratic Legal Operative Marc Elias Of Steele Dossier Infamy.."

    why do journalists keep misusing the word "Democratic"????

    Elias is a Democrat.. not that he is "Democratic."

    it's annoying

    grammar, getcha some.

    Mark D Allen

    I'll bet this douche-bag was involved in dreaming this one up. Guy is a slippery eel.


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