• Maryland Governor Hogan Goes To Iowa With Eyes On 2024 Presidential Campaign

    August 12, 2022
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    Image by MarylandGovPics

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    Rumors have twirled throughout republican circles for a long time that Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) truly believes he has a chance to be president of the United States even though many in Maryland thinks that is a pipedream. This week Hogan showed up Iowa. 

    On Thursday, the term-limited Gov. Hogan tweeted pictures of his Iowa tour chomping on a pork chop at the Iowa State Fair, and participating in a roundtable with law enforcement touting a newly released anti-crime, pro-law enforcement policy from An America United, a pro-Hogan advocacy group. 

    The proposal includes provisions to refund police, hold violent criminals accountable, secure the southern border and combat the opioid crisis. 

    In October 2021, Hogan touted his efforts to increase funds for Maryland law enforcement.  

    All of which is ironic because during Hogan’s tenure, Maryland law enforcement were undercut and undermined 

    In an earlier interview with CDM.Press, Maryland’s Talbot County Sheriff unpacked what happened in Maryland. 

    A law enforcement bill passed I April 2021 and when it was time to hear from law enforcement officials representing 24 sheriffs and 17,000 police officials, the state legislature gave law enforcement literally six minutes for their input for a 71-page bill with three day lead time. 

    The bill now has created a citizens commission appointed by county councils across the state to address police disciplinary actions completely undercutting law enforcement officials. 

    Sheriff Gamble’s interview is here.

    Earlier this year, Hogan went to Davos at the World Economic Forum looking for international business for Maryland. 

    Hogan considers himself a moderate and has been very critical of President Trump. 

    Trump defeated Hogan in what many viewed as a 2022 proxy battle during the Maryland Republican primary in July 2022.

    Hogan-backed candidate republican gubernatorial candidate Kelly Schulz lost to Trump-endorsed Dan Cox.  

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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